
Greythorn Monthly Market Research Report: Cryptocurrency market fluctuated significantly in April, and the market's interest in altcoins was low

随着4月的结束,目前BTC处于价格区间的低端,显示出显著的市场弱势,并可能带来更多有趣的发展。 撰文:Greythorn...

Hayes Fund: The Oracle Wars, Why Flare is Undervalued?

「预言机之战」开启,密切关注 Flare。 小白导航 撰文:Maelstrom(Arthur Hayes 的家族办公室) 编译:Felix,PA...

The market is waiting for inflation data to "give a surprise", and BTC climbs slightly

市场参与者正在等待美国通胀数据,以帮助确定美联储是否会在 2024 年降息。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews ...

Modular blockchain: The final piece of the Web3 puzzle

模块化区块链的趋势不仅仅是技术上的变革,更是推动整个区块链生态系统迎接未来挑战的重要策略。 撰文:GeekCarte...

Bull markets are full of ups and downs, why you shouldn't be bearish now

也许我们不是处于“山寨熊市”,而是市场正在回归优质资产。 撰文:Regan Bozman 编译:小白导航coderworld 我们...

Bitget Research Institute: GAS on ETH chain drops to 2gwei, EIGEN airdrop application has been opened

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

KIP Protocol, a newcomer in the AI infrastructure track: value release and efficient circulation of AI assets

KIP Protocol 的生态价值逻辑可以一句话总结为:KnowledgeFi,即知识变现,劳有所得。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld...

Supply is concentrated, L1 is undervalued, and TON is expected to become the next big crypto event

从长远来看,将TON与90亿美元市值的BNB相比是一个合理且现实的目标。 撰文:Potato's Thoughts 编译:小白导航co...

A brief guide to choosing a meme coin: keep the name short and stay away from the narrative of "we are more than just a meme"

选择与自己价值观相符的Meme代币,享受投资的乐趣。 撰文:Web3Quant 编译:小白导航coderworld 以下是我对Meme...

Arweave, the sleeping giant in the crypto AI field

AO 计算机以前所未有的可扩展性颠覆了 AI/DePIN 领域。 撰文:Crypto, Distilled 编译:小白导航coderworld 与...
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