
Notcoin is listed on a major exchange. Will mini DApp be a turning point for Mass Adoption?

除了 Notcoin,还有哪些 mini DApp 值得关注? 撰文:HAMSTER 5 月 16 日,Notcoin (NOT)上线了包括 Binance、...

Ethereum ETF, interest rate cuts, elections... HashKey analyzes the three major factors that stimulate the bull market recovery

牛市是否已经复苏?年内有何重要机会引发牛市暴涨? 撰文:Jeffery Ding,HashKey Group 首席分析师 如果说 2013...

Unprecedented election "money power": the crypto industry is fighting a "survival battle"

加密行业已经积累了巨额的「战争资金」,并正在努力推举那些加密友好的政客。 来源:华尔街日报 编译:比推 Bitp...

Exploring Rune Layer2 fragmentation solutions: Is there value in Nekoswap practice?

随着市场情绪的回暖和比特币价格的回升,符文生态能否迎来新一轮的增长红利? 撰文:Oliver、Andy、Howe 1 前言 ...

Coin Metrics: Decoding Stablecoin Adoption Characteristics

探究 1600 亿美元规模稳定币市场的增长、多样性和使用模式。 撰文:Matas Andrade、Tanay Ved 编译:Luffy,Fore...

Franklin Templeton:加密货币质押还是不质押?

尽管质押能带来一定收益,对冲通胀,但加密货币交易仍存在一些固有风险。 撰文:Franklin Templeton(富兰克林邓...

Cryptocurrency Wars: BTC’s Pizza, Crypto Dollar’s Ambition

十四年过去,BTC 价格翻了数亿倍,Pizza 还是那个味道的 Pizza。 撰文:Armonio,AC capital 春来秋往十四载,眨...

The European Cup is coming, which tokens are worth paying attention to?

我们离欧洲杯2024还有大约30天。 作者:OUROBOROS CAPITAL, 0XRAMEN, MLZE, AERON 编译:小白导航coderworld 欧...

A new interpretation of Morph in the L2 siege: How do users and developers share the benefits of ecosystem construction?

Points airdrop + developer-centered ecosystem construction, taking into account both users and use cases, may be the way to end the seesaw between "public chain ghost town" and "fake TVL prosperity". ...

To earn more money by working more jobs, Ethereum researchers are "restaking" themselves

酬劳数百万美金 EIGEN 代币?以太坊基金会研究员的第三方「顾问」职位引巨大争议。 撰文:Alex Liu,Foresight Ne...
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