
How do Crypto Quantitative Fund Managers Obtain Alpha?

Crypto市场的价值等同于注意力。 主题: Crypto量化基金经理们是如何获取Alpha的? 主持人 郑乃骞 @ZnQ_626 ...

Stablecoins: The Crypto Industry’s Trojan Horse

Stablecoins are the first step towards a fully tokenized economy. Author: ZACH RYNES Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Every financial asset in the world...

FIT21: Crypto Industry Regulation: Nine Dragons Governing the Water, But the Water Is Not Governed

如果 FIT21 可以正式成为法律,行业从业者将会有更明确的法务指导以防止错误的实践,并且消费者在该监管框架下也会获得更好的保护。 ...

Investing in L2 vs. Investing in ETH: Which has a brighter future?

随着更多L2项目的上市,L2代币的FDV可能会继续受到压力和稀释。 作者:James Ho 编译:小白导航coderworld 投资...

Is it 618 in the cryptocurrency market? What are the main problems in this round of market?

在谈论本轮行情之前,让我们来回顾一下上轮牛市和 A 股牛市的规律。 撰文:鉴叔 「 加密结束了吗?这轮牛市你赚...

Lumoz Research Report: Modular chain issuance greatly reduces ZKP computing costs

Lumoz 为 ZK Rollup 提供模块化计算层,采用了 PoS 和 PoW 的混合共识机制。 撰文:ZeY 摘要 1. 以太坊在诞生后...

Bitlayer: Bitcoin Layer2 for the BitVM solution

The core goal of Bitlayer is to solve the trade-off between security and Turing completeness of Bitcoin's layer 2 technology. Written by: Bob Cong Bitlayer is the first...

What are the legal risks in the controversial KOL round of financing in the cryptocurrency circle?

你有掉进 KOL 轮的陷阱吗? 撰文:刘红林,上海曼昆律师事务所创始人、主任; 黄文颖、李嘉倩,上海曼昆律师事务...

Tether launches gold-collateralized stablecoin innovation and analysis of the legal framework in El Salvador

两家公司均根据萨尔瓦多法律授权发行。 撰文:Aiying 艾盈 2024 年 6 月 17 日,全球最大的加密货币公司 Tether ...

Arthur Hayes podcast full text: Dogecoin, Aptos, the Fed and the biggest risk of this cycle

Arthur 强调了持有比特币和山寨币的策略,并分享了他们家族办公室在 Ethena 项目和流动质押代币生态系统中的成功经验。 ...
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