VC perspective: How to solve the chronic poison of "high FDV, low circulation"?
探索时间维度之外的可能性,引入新参数:流动性、里程碑。 撰文:Ro Patel,Hack VC 合伙人 编译:Azuma,Odaily...
Consensys is sued, and the US SEC takes action again on pledge
SEC 指 Consensys 通过旗下数字资产钱包 MetaMask 「从事证券的发行和销售」。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews...
MetaMask is sued by the SEC. Where will Web3 go?
Web3与现实世界的结合越来越紧密,相关政策法规或政策团体已经难以将Web3拒之门外。 正当大家还在关注SEC(美国证...
The IRS has finalized new rules: Cryptocurrency and stablecoin transactions must be reported, with details on gross income and basic reporting
根据这项法案,美国财政部和国税局(IRS)起草并发布了新的数字资产交易报告法规。 撰文:Aiying 艾盈 最近几年...
Cryptocurrency: A revolutionary feast for optimists, grassroots can also change their destiny
正是这场混乱、喧嚣且时常被误导的技术革命,源于人们寻求自主掌控事务的强烈渴望。 撰文:Matti 编译:比推 Bit...
As generative AI prospers, will Story Protocol’s programmable IP layer usher in a new era?
从 NFT、元宇宙再到生成式 AI,Story Protocol 要讲的故事始终都在主旋律上。 撰文:Haotian 被 @a16z 两次领投...
Meet Andrew Kang: A Crypto Capital Spokesperson Who Went From 0 to 9 Figures in Assets
既是现在的加密大空头,也是一直以来的加密资本代言人。 撰文:Wenser,Odaily 星球日报 编者按:近日,Mechanis...
Bitget 研究院:BTC 现货 ETF 停止净流出,ZRO 等新币板块率先反弹
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
对话 ZetaChain:Universal EVM 的全链未来在哪里 ?
ZetaChain 是第一个基于链抽象的通用 EVM 区块链,将会逐渐兼容比特币和 Solana 等异构链。 主持人:Joe,Foresig...
Vitalik 新作:如何缩短以太坊的交易确认时间?
对于需要更短确认时间的应用程序,唯一的解决方案是 slot-and-epoch 架构。 撰文:Vitalik Buterin,以太坊联合创...