Data Analysis Storj Short-term Funding: Fund Flow and On-Chain Activity
从资金面看,团队于 2022 年下半年开始进行大额解锁,目前已解锁持币量应超过 30%。 撰文:Jaden, LDCapital 一...
Zeng Ming, former chief strategy officer of Alibaba: AI+Crypto is Web3, value creation comes first and then value distribution
在这次演讲中,曾鸣深入探讨了Web3.0的概念,着重强调了加密货币和人工智能之间的关系!以及它们对未来数字经济的重要性。 ...
Bear market gold: DeFi Degen from the Chinese community's bottom-of-the-box practical strategy
聪明的 DeFi 玩家都在关注哪些赛道?这个行业最具潜力和确定性最高的 Alpha 又是哪些? 「即使在漫长的加密熊市中...
RWAs in the Eyes of the Fed: Tokenization and Financial Stability
本文旨在提供一个关于资产代币化的背景,并讨论可能带来的好处以及金融稳定的风险。 在美联储的9月8日的一篇关于...
In-depth analysis of the operation and investment philosophy of the decentralized game guild Yield Guild Games
YGG投资的游戏资产在2022年一整年下有了较大的缩水,其投资风格逐渐转向谨慎。 项目概要 YGG所处的赛道为链游公...
A Conversation with DWF Labs: We Don’t Manipulate Anything
Regarding the recent community controversy, BlockBeats recently exclusively interviewed DWF Labs, a well-known market maker in the cryptocurrency industry, to gain insight into the liquidity truth behind the controversy. ...
Properly Valuing Blockspace: The Most Precious Commodity in Crypto
Blockspace is a commodity that can be easily rated based on common characteristics such as security, flexibility, and decentralization.
Crypto-eating men and women, is it hard to find love in the currency circle?
"A family cannot have two gamblers." Written by: Freya Edited by: 0xmin "Food, sex, and love are the greatest desires of human beings." When hungry, one thinks of food; when grown up, one thinks of love. ...
Talking about Crypto after Token2049: "Risk-free return" creates application layer opportunities for LSDFi and RWA
The combination of Crypto and AI is the choice of the times. Written by: 0xCousin Token2049 is over, Crypto entrepreneurs from all over the world, from...
Dialogue with Wintermute: We are liquidity providers, not market makers
在所有争议的背后,关于监管、关于流动性、关于竞争,做市商到底有怎样的思考? 采访、编辑:Jack,BlockBeats、V...