
L2 continues to be popular. What is the operating mechanism and current status behind it?

L2 is essentially a completely independent blockchain built on Ethereum, thus inheriting the security guarantees of Ethereum itself. Written by: ROUTE 2 FI Compiled...

An overview of intent-centered design and project progress

Intent-centric systems provide a path to building a composable blockchain landscape that values user needs, efficiency, and transparency. Written by Adam Arre...

From the Internet to the blockchain: the history of trust and verification

What happens when the forms of identity we use for blockchain applications evolve? Written by: JOEL JOHN, SIDDHARTH Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Code...

In-depth analysis of Web3 payment: The full-scale attack of industry giants is expected to change the existing encryption market landscape

The biggest opportunity for cryptocurrencies may not be to view them as cryptocurrencies, but as a new set of payment methods. Written by Will Awang; Diane Cheung ...

Chainalysis Report: Cryptocurrency Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is the smallest crypto economy, accounting for 2.3% of global transactions from July 2022 to June 2023. Written by: Chainalysis Translation:...

Meng Yan: Ten years of reflection in the “blockchain circle”: How to generate and spread trust without relying on authority?

区块链是否还有未来?下一步应该怎么走? 2013 年 11 月,Vitalik Buterin 发表了以太坊白皮书的第一个版本。事后...

Pyth Network: The Spotify of the Crypto World

The music industry’s shift from Napster to Spotify provides a framework for solving current challenges in the cryptocurrency and DeFi space. In the 1990s, ...

Where are all the Ethereum with a total circulation of over 120 million?

As an alternative to Ethereum that significantly reduces transaction costs, L2 has not shown any signs of shaking Ethereum's position at least for now. Written by Babywhale, For...

Huobi HTX financial management new account rewards are coming, enjoy up to 100% annualized income

据官方消息,火币 HTX 已于近期推出专门针对理财新户的奖励活动,即火币理财新户可参与USDT、BTC、ETH等 20 款热门币种的7天定期质押,独享高达 100% 年化收...

Q3 encryption market hot topics review: market correction, industry progress and new application highlights

Even though the financial markets are quiet, we still see exciting industry progress and new applications. Author: SUSS NiFT Researcher @Jesse_meta The third quarter...
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