A new journey for digital gold: Bitcoin ecosystem diversification exploration and protocol innovation
本文将为BTC的其他应用程序生态系统做出解析。 作者:@YBBCapitalResearcher Ac-Core 前言 比特币(Bitcoin)的...
The competition to issue cards: the business behind crypto payment cards
为什么发卡业务变得流行起来? 撰文:David 加密支付卡,正在变成一种席卷全行业的业务。 打开推特等社交媒体,...
Arweave: A new opportunity to reshape the field of cryptocurrency and data storage
Arweave 是数据存储和更广泛的加密货币领域的一个变革性力量。 撰写:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:小白导航 coderwo...
Unveiling Bitget Launchpad’s new project T2T2, an on-chain task platform for Web2 product experience
市场上亟需一款可用性强,能融合多种模式以给C端用户Web2产品体验的Super App出来,T2T2应运而生。 作者:小树苗 ...
Substance Exchange launches final closed beta before mainnet launch
Substance Exchange是新锐去中心化衍生品交易平台,旨在引领用户的交易行为向去中心化全面迁移。 据官方消息,S...
Conversation with Monad Labs CEO: From tradition to the future, the original Jump Trading team explores the role of public chains in on-chain finance
目前 DeFi 的低效性不足以有效地与每天处理数十亿订单的传统金融竞争。 采访 & 编辑: Sunny and David Monad...
dYdX V4:版本更新遇上大量代币解锁,市场表现将会如何?
从当前价格看,$DYDX 作为一个真正产生实际收益的蓝筹资产的前景是有希望的。 撰写:AN APE'S PROLOGUE 编译:小...
Podcast notes | Interview with Bitwise executives: Why is a cryptocurrency ETF so important?
The launch of a Bitcoin ETF could also lead to a large influx of funds into the crypto market without affecting other forms of Bitcoin investment. Compiled by: Xiaobai...
Despread Research: Understanding Korean CEX and investor behavior through data
Compared to Binance, the four major Korean exchanges have about 10% of Binance's trading volume this year. Compared to Coinbase in the same period, their trading volume is higher. ...
Forbes’ 8-year quest to tokenize its assets
As long as there is no trust in the crypto market, the experiment of asset tokenization will never succeed. Written by Steven Ehrlich, Forbes Compiled by Luffy, Foresigh...