Vitalik: Reigniting the Cypherpunk Spirit of Ethereum
Our goal is not just to create isolated tools and games, but to build a freer and more open society and economy. Written by: Vitalik Buterin...
The four most profitable crypto stocks in 2023, can you hold on to them?
利好频出,加密股票交易进入狂热阶段。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 对于加密货币多头来说,2023 年赚钱...
Bitget Wallet 2023 annual keywords: brand upgrade and Web3 transactions
In a rapidly changing industry, Bitget Wallet has always adhered to its original intention, built a good infrastructure, served the real needs of users, and actively responded to each new wave of impact and model changes. ...
Interpreting SCP: Breaking away from the Rollup paradigm of trustless infrastructure
The vision and practical application of SCP is to build a new generation of trustless infrastructure, or even a computing platform with a non-blockchain structure. Written by Wu Yue, Geek Web3...
Will ETFs increase Bitcoin’s liquidity?
大量的 ETF 赎回可能会对基础市场施加卖压。 撰文: Dessislava Aubert、Clara Medalie 编译:Block unicorn ...
Binance listings ignite the AI+Crypto track, counting 17 projects worth paying attention to on Wanwudao
AI+Crypto is gaining popularity. What are the potential targets in the primary and secondary markets? Written by: Wanwudao AI and Crypto This handsome man and beautiful woman are rare in the world today...
Huobi HTX held a Christmas party, Justin revealed the focus of airdrops and platform operations
火币HTX空投项目即将公布。 圣诞节前后,火币HTX分别在2个城市举办了“牛市启航 暴富之路引领者的相聚”的线下见面...
What impact does the SBF ruling have on cryptocurrency leaders? Industry response and outlook
本文将探讨 SBF 的判决对行业内其他关键人物的潜在影响,揭示加密货币领导层不断变化的格局。 撰文:Wayne Jones ...
What’s next for the Bitcoin ecosystem? Explore potential opportunities
最终,我将得到几乎完全与 ETH 及其 L2 无异的体验、性能与智能合约功能。 撰文:blockpunk 本条将从 BTC 铭文未...
2023 Crypto Storm: The Regulatory Battle Revealed
2024 年将是加密行业的转折点。 来源:Decrypt 编译:比推 BitpushNews Yanan 多年来,美国监管机构对加密行业...