
US Spot ETF Countdown: Five Key Things to Watch About Bitcoin This Week

早期比特币牛市期间的典型现象:BTC的带动大盘上涨,然后是低市值的山寨币起飞。 撰文:ILLIAM SUBE小白导航RG ...

The top ten most influential people in Bitcoin in 2023, and the "him" you are following is also on the list

2024 年整个市场走向,还得看他们吗? 撰文:火火,白话区块链 2023 年的整个加密行业跌宕起伏,年初的硅谷银行...

VanEck Advisor: We overestimated the short-term impact of Bitcoin ETF and underestimated the long-term momentum

尽管现货比特币 ETF 的推出往往被短期投机所包围,但它们的真正价值在于其长期影响。 来源:Bi小白导航tcoinist ...

ScalingX founder’s autobiography: Awe of the market, ten years of crypto adventure

接下来的两年,你会以什么样的姿势来迎接这泼天的富贵? 撰文:Jayden Wi 2024年,再过几个月我马上要33岁了。刚...

The critical moment for ETF decision is approaching, and the price of BTC is counting down to violent fluctuations

一文梳理 BTC 现货 ETF 关键信息。 撰文:Yilan, LD Capital 小牛发动机启动 10 月 13 日,美国证券交易委员会...

The application for Bitcoin spot ETF has entered its peak period. What will it bring if it is successfully approved?

若比特币现货ETF获批,则意味着庞大的传统财富世界对比特币、甚至Web3.0世界的认可。 作者:宋嘉吉 任鹤义,吉时...

Buying 1.76 billion USDT in 50 days, the mysterious trader in the Bitcoin market

神秘地址与比特币涨势的背后故事 作者:小河 River 10 月 16 日,比特币一根巨阳,刺破「818」大跌的前期高点,...

The first bloodbath in the currency market in 24 years: Revealing the TRB dealer’s pump-and-dump tactics

揭秘2024年的第一场凶残的“血洗” 内幕 作者:AICoin 万万没想到,1月1日就会迎来2024年的第一场凶残的“血洗” ,...

The Savage Growth of Web3: Cooking a Feast for Crows

Web3就像一场为乌鸦们准备的宴席,群鸦被资产吸引,以资产为食,因资产而争。 作者:Foresight Ventures 一、用...

DePIN’s hidden thread behind miners’ ups and downs: WANG, JDI and Helium Mobile

有限的人生务必梭哈! 撰文:佐爷 历史给这段出路的定义也许是 DePIN,而能成为代表人物的,却是长期名不见经传...
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