Bitcoin Ecosystem: Opening the Curtain of the Trustless Financial Era (Part 4)
比特币正进一步成为构建新的、无需信任的金融体系的基石。 作者:Kyle Ellicott, Yan Ma, Darius Tan, Melody He...
HTX DAO preparatory committee members delivered a campaign speech on Huobi Live: Improving the $HTX destruction mechanism and expanding application scenarios
“HTX DAO人民委员会将作为中坚力量,着眼社区长期利益,逐步推进并落地民主自治化建设。” 3月22日,首届HTX DAO人...
Exploring the decentralized AI computing power protocol Akash Network: Narrative hype and value investment coexist
“在 CryptoAI 的众多细分赛道中,去中心化算力将是同时满足叙事炒作和价值投资的方向。” 撰文:Firehand、Kevin、...
Huobi HTX liquidity re-staking and additional 50 million share rewards of $ will be launched on March 25, and the total rewards will exceed US$100 million by then.
奖励将以积分形式发放,当项目空投后可兑换成对应代币。空投发放时间取决于项目首次空投时间,或将于4月后开启。 ...
The past, present and future of application chains
人们可以想象一个未来,每个应用程序都有其自己定制的链,满足其特定需求,同时与其他应用程序保持互联。 撰文:N...
dYdX Chain: From dApp to application chain ecology, the old DeFi wants to create products that are more competitive than CEX
深入解读 dYdX Chain 上线后的发展情况,并分析 dYdX 如何打造最佳的合约交易所。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 引...
Dialogue with Arweave core contributor and everVision CEO: Talking about the future division of labor among Ethereum, Bitcoin and Arweave
所需永久存储的内容基本上是任何需要达成共识的信息。 撰文:Sunny, Bella & Zolo ,小白导航 coderworld 嘉...
Oak Grove Crypto 2024, unlocking new trends in Web3 development in the next five years
Oak Grove Crypto 2024旨在汇聚Web3领域的精英人士,共同探讨和展望行业未来五年的发展趋势。 “Oak Grove Venture...
Behind the Bitget Wallet coin issuance: How was the Asian version of MetaMask created?
或许凭借 BWB,Bitget Wallet 将会打开钱包赛道的天花板。 2023 年以来,Crypto 的行业叙事发生了非常明显的变化...
Taking stock of the top five criminal offenses in 2023, which ones are related to the cryptocurrency world?
本文以检察机关起诉的前五个罪名:危险驾驶罪、盗窃罪、帮信罪、掩隐罪、诈骗罪。 撰文:刘正要,上海曼昆律师事...