
Friend.Tech V2 将至,SocialFi 会卷土重来吗?

总的来说,V2 的更新提供了更好的用户体验和一个综合的环境. 撰文:David C 编译:小白导航coderworld 随着全新...

A panoramic analysis of Sei, the "head player" of parallel EVM narrative

即将推出的 Sei V2 升级将引入多项技术升级。 撰文:Patryk Krasnicki,Messari 编译:1912212.eth,Foresight N...

GCR: The Master of Reverse Trading in Crypto and His Legendary Journey

GCR 是 Crypto 领域最著名的交易员之一,因其出众的投资表现、多次成功的预测而广为人知。 撰文:Arkham 编译:F...

dYdX’s Token Flywheel and Permissionless Long-Tail Asset Market

DYDX 飞轮会启动吗? 撰文:雨中狂睡 在这轮周期中,我还是蛮喜欢做「老项目新叙事」概念的,这点从我之前做 $MK...

Arkham: A Crypto Analytics Platform and Data Tracking Dashboard

Arkham 是一个加密货币分析平台和数据跟踪仪表板,旨在轻松监控各种区块链实体的链上活动。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1....

Bitget Research Institute: Hong Kong Bitcoin ETF approved, short-term Middle East situation profoundly affects the market trend

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

How to turn old phones and computers into treasures? 9 Web3 projects can help you easily play

9 个 Web3 项目,让你的闲置设备焕发「第二春」。 撰文:Karen,Foresight News 随着手机和电脑迭代速度的日益加...

Breaking through the crypto ETF may be Hong Kong’s way out

以太坊能上 ETF,其他代币呢? 撰文:inpower 王骏 说实话香港的比特币现货 ETF 获批我一点都不奇怪,但是这次...

Crypto 交易所 2024 年第一季度报告:总交易量上涨 72.5%,Binance 继续领跑市场

2024 Q1 Crypto 市场整体走高,比特币价格也首次突破 $70,000 大关。那么,交易所市场的情况如何呢? 小白导航 撰...

Financing Weekly Report: 42 financings raised approximately US$520 million, with Monad Labs and Berachain accounting for half of the total

From April 8 to April 14, 9 blockchain companies raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, in April...
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