Penetrating the “Statistical Significance” of Halving: Is Bitcoin Bullish a Tradeable Event?
虽然很难仅凭减半做出任何高确定性的判断,但它确实可能具有结构性看涨因素。 编译:Frank,Foresight News 总结...
Opinion: Mt.Gox’s 142,000 BTC payout may trigger a sell-off
这种预期源于 Mt. Gox 债权人的漫长等待。 来源:beincrypto 编译:区块链骑士 据报道,负责 Crypto 资产交易...
一览风投机构纷纷入局的 BTC 相关公链生态
BTC 生态格局已与半年前大相径庭,VC 机构们积极入局。 撰文:dt 随着 Bitcoin 挖矿奖励减半到来,这一轮牛市由 ...
开曼与 Web3、DAO 和 DeFi 企业的融合之道
为何开曼对涉足 Web3 和虚拟资产领域的企业具有吸引力? 撰文:AiYing 开曼群岛在数字革命中大放异彩,近年来成...
Financing Weekly Report: 26 financings raised more than $127 million, and the Bitcoin ecosystem is gradually improving
4月15日至4月21日期间,10家区块链项目融资超过500万美元。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 据 RootData 数据显示,4...
Coin8 is officially launched, aiming to make platform users builders and beneficiaries
Coin8 便是主打提供用户友好的界面、高效的交易机制和严格的安全措施的新型 Web3 治理模式创新交易平台,同时提供全民共享收益。 ...
HTX is born, and Justin Sun introduces a governance system to the exchange for the first time
From public chains, AI to Meme, new currencies are all included, and the currency listing mechanism has been optimized. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Since becoming Huobi Global...
SynFutures potential airdrop value analysis and interaction strategy
"If the valuation is aligned with $AEVO, then it is calculated as 3 billion, and the airdrop is based on the ratio of 5% to 10%, which means there will be about 150 million to 300 million airdrops." 1. Project Introduction...
Bitget Research Institute: Bitcoin quickly recovered after falling below $60,000, BounceBit and Avail issued coin airdrops
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Bitcoin volatility intensifies as halving approaches: Huobi HTX negative fee trading BTC may be a better choice for bargain hunting
Historically, as supply tightens and demand remains stable or grows, Bitcoin prices have reached new highs some time after a halving. With the fourth halving of Bitcoin approaching...