
The Bitcoin network is moving beyond basic transactions, leading the DeFi ecosystem to flourish

BTC still has the highest adoption rate among cryptocurrencies and is recognized by individual and institutional investors, which may bring more stability and growth potential. Author: Gr...

BitgetPoolX: Passive income all year round

越质押,越富有。 PoolX 是 Bitget 最新推出的质押挖矿平台,质押指定币种,赚取热门代币,按用户质押数量占比,...

Imagining the world after parallel EVM: Reshaping the landscape of dApps and user experience

并行化是一种手段,而不是目的。 撰文:Reforge Research 编译:小白导航coderworld 富兰克林曾经说过一句名言...

Digging deep into the long-term logic of Wall Street, why is AXL the best code for laying out the full-chain narrative?

逐步抬头的全链叙事,与基本面彻底改变的 AXL,很容易让人联想到 20 美元的 SOL。 作者:Terry 你有没有想过,每...

a16z: Five principles for avoiding token issuance "traps"

避免在美国公开募资,谨慎考虑二级市场。 撰文:Miles Jennings,a16z crypto 总法律顾问兼去中心化负责人 编译...

Hong Kong's first batch of 6 virtual asset ETFs approved, physical subscription and redemption is expected to open a compliant "withdrawal" channel for cryptocurrencies

香港比特币和以太坊现货 ETF 的监管靴子正式落地。 撰文:Weilin 香港比特币和以太坊现货 ETF 的监管靴子正式落...

The evolution of on-chain data and signal trading tools under the MEME craze

涵盖一级市场的资讯平台、二级市场的情绪分析与交易机遇工具等。 撰文:Bing Ventures Meme 币在 2021 年并未完...

VC Experience: 10 Things to Consider When Preparing for a Token TGE

遵循最佳安全实践,确保你的上市时间安排正确。 撰文:Hack VC 编译:小白导航coderworld 这篇文章涵盖了成功启...

Looking for Alpha in the bull market, how does BGB leverage the market APR?

平均收益率 138%,金铲子 BGB。 随着美国 SEC 通过现货比特币 ETF,比特币价格连破新高,加密货币平台之间的竞争...

Why did Binance convert all its SAFU funds into USDC?

币安在博客文章中称 USDC 是一种「受信任、经过审计和透明的稳定币」,而泰达币一直备受争议。 撰文:Ryan S. Gla...
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