Exclusive interview with Zhu Haokang, head of digital asset management at China Asset Management (Hong Kong): Hong Kong's digital asset industry has great development potential
华夏比特币ETF和华夏以太币ETF已获得中国香港证监会的批准,于2024年4月30日在香港交易所上市。 撰文:PANews 继...
Legendary Meme Coin Hunter James: Earn $25 million with $7,000, but now the order effect has failed
James Wynn 在 PEPE 代币的暴涨当中,赚取了约 2500 万美元,本金仅为 7644 美元。 撰文:Frank,PANews 在经历...
Theta Network: A decentralized video streaming network based on blockchain
Theta Network 在 2024 年有一个宏伟的发展蓝图,主要聚焦于 Theta EdgeCloud 的推出。 撰文:链茶馆 1.项目简介...
不要让 Crypto 成为一座孤岛。 撰文:Ken,小白导航coderworld 最近,最牵动加密市场的大新闻,莫过于币安创...
火币HTX全新交易挖矿上线:负费率交易BTC瓜分每日20万USDT奖池 ,享7*24h奖励不断
此次活动升级,标志着火币HTX在用户参与机制上的一次重大创新。火币HTX旨在为更多用户提供多元且公平的参与机会,提升交易体验。 ...
Solana continues to be congested, does Sol need L2 and Rollup?
Solana需要灵魂伴侣:Appchains和Rollup会是它的完美选择吗? 撰文:Yash Agarwal 编译:小白导航coderworld 一...
MT Capital: After BTC halving, the new trend of Crypto market development
MT Capital的创始人Noa和合伙人Ian分别发表演讲,分享了MT Capital的愿景和接下来的投资战略。 由MT Capital(Mom...
LD Capital: Exploring dappOS and the booming development of the central infrastructure
With the development of blockchain underlying technology and the gradual maturity of various projects, future development will shift from infrastructure-oriented to application and user-friendly, and intention-centered projects will become the focus of the entire industry. ...
Exclusive interview with Mysten Labs co-founder: Real-world assets and new ways of human-computer interaction
What makes Mysten Labs unique is our clear vision for the future of human-computer interaction. -- Evan Cheng, Co-founder and CEO of Mysten Labs...
A look at the 6 projects ArkStream Capital invested in in Q1 2024
ArkStream Capital invested in 6 projects in Q1 2024: XION, Unicross, Polyhedra, BEVM, Merlin Starter, and Nubit. ...