Arbitrum: The currently underestimated L2 pioneer, the ecological project will usher in an explosion
ARB 生态季要来了? 撰写:DEGEN SENSEI 编译:小白导航 coderworld 尽管目前 Base 在第 2 层方面最受关注,...
Data Analysis Storj Short-term Funding: Fund Flow and On-Chain Activity
从资金面看,团队于 2022 年下半年开始进行大额解锁,目前已解锁持币量应超过 30%。 撰文:Jaden, LDCapital 一...
Zeng Ming, former chief strategy officer of Alibaba: AI+Crypto is Web3, value creation comes first and then value distribution
在这次演讲中,曾鸣深入探讨了Web3.0的概念,着重强调了加密货币和人工智能之间的关系!以及它们对未来数字经济的重要性。 ...
Bear market gold: DeFi Degen from the Chinese community's bottom-of-the-box practical strategy
聪明的 DeFi 玩家都在关注哪些赛道?这个行业最具潜力和确定性最高的 Alpha 又是哪些? 「即使在漫长的加密熊市中...
Judging from the RaaS overview, ecology and future prospects, Rollup summer may be coming?
本文从RaaS的概况、生态和未来发展分析,希望由点到线,由线到面,窥见一斑。 作者:Cynic Leo TL;DR 区块链中...
RWAs in the Eyes of the Fed: Tokenization and Financial Stability
本文旨在提供一个关于资产代币化的背景,并讨论可能带来的好处以及金融稳定的风险。 在美联储的9月8日的一篇关于...
In-depth analysis of the operation and investment philosophy of the decentralized game guild Yield Guild Games
YGG投资的游戏资产在2022年一整年下有了较大的缩水,其投资风格逐渐转向谨慎。 项目概要 YGG所处的赛道为链游公...
OKX and McLaren jointly design the stealth mode paint for the MCL60 racing limited edition
McLaren Racing and principal partner OKX have unveiled a limited edition Stealth Mode livery for the McLaren MCL60 F1 car at the 2023 Singapore and 2023 Japanese Grand Prix. ...
How to attract global developers through Hacker House?
Hacker House: A place where hackers live, learn and build together. Written by: Harry Liu After a long period of community life and participation in various hacka...
A Conversation with DWF Labs: We Don’t Manipulate Anything
Regarding the recent community controversy, BlockBeats recently exclusively interviewed DWF Labs, a well-known market maker in the cryptocurrency industry, to gain insight into the liquidity truth behind the controversy. ...