The essence of inscription token is SFT

本文详细介绍了铭文作为第三种代币形式的本质和估值模型。 撰文:CaptainZ 铭文之夏 之前大家在猜测牛市会从什...


BTC 赛道的完善和发展已经成为了行业的必然和社会的必然。 撰文:MIIX Capital 引言 受益于 Ordinals 火热,以...

The first year of user experience on the chain: Vitalik promotes ENS and CCIP, and the user experience on the chain enters the "intent era"

dappOS 并非是简单的钱包内置应用的方式去实践,而是用协议去提升用户的中心。 撰文:佐爷 V 喊单 ENS,CCIP 等...

Interpretation of Messari 2023 DePIN Market Report: 650 active projects flourish, and top projects are expected to come from Asia

当前DePIn赛道的现状、应用、供需情况、技术变更和地区之间的发展差异。 近期,Messari和Escape Velocity(EV3...

The re-staking token (LRT) narrative is rekindled: Finding high-potential project opportunities in the endless liquidity nesting dolls

顺风套娃上杠杆,逆风全作鸟兽散。 撰文:David 在比特币现货 ETF 将出结果的前夕,本周的加密市场经历了一场...

Exploring the future of Web3 social networking: From definition to business model, exploring the impact of the AI wave

层出不穷的社交产品究竟是昙花一现还是下一个mass adoption? 撰文:Fred,Ryze Labs 本文1.2万字,阅读时间大约...

Brief analysis of Entangle: Solving the liquidity problem of the entire DeFi chain and breaking the "consensus overload" of Ethereum in its later years

即使未来以太坊不幸成为众链之中的一个“DeFi模块底层”,也没有人能撼动以太坊的地位。 撰文:Haotian 当DeFi被贴...

Rollup Summer narrative deduction: In addition to ZKFair and Manta, what other investment opportunities are there?

这轮新 Rollup 的特点就是:项目新,有代币,模块化,大大方方给激励,使项目初始的业务和币价的飞轮转起来更快。 ...

The encounter between Socrates and Web3 Qitan: Promoting the global Web3 social debate platform

苏格拉底Socrates致力于赋予个人权力,通过多元化的观点分享他们独特的愿景,促进一个超越地理界限、以社群驱动平台。 ...

Bitget Research Weekly News: Ethereum will test the Cancun upgrade on January 17, ARB continues to hit new highs

聚焦链上数据,每周要闻盘点。 过去一周(1.02-1.05),市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题。 1.市场焦点 Market ...
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