Masa's new interpretation of AI: Alpha hidden in the decentralized "data network + LLM"
The AI battle is fierce, perhaps decentralized data and LLMs will be the real Alpha and optimal solution. Compiled by: 1912212.eth, Foresight New...
With so many favorable factors coming, will Mask Network usher in a new round of explosion?
Mask Network 生态再次迎来系列市场利好,这些利好消息同样有望成为推动 $Mask 代币持续上扬的动力。 在 Web3 世...
Deconstructing Internet giants, the most comprehensive guide to the encrypted information game
本文涵盖创建加密信息游戏及实现其全部潜力所必需的基础设施。 撰文:Benjamin Funk 编译:Frank,Foresight New...
Dialect Concise Interactive Guide: Multicoin and Jump Investing, Social Apps in Solana Ecosystem
Dialect 是首批 Solana Saga 手机本机应用程序之一,增加了空投的机会。 撰文:Rasgard 编译:小白导航coderworl...
Huobi HTX Liquidity Re-staking: Rewards continue to increase, and team play is in full swing
最简单参与 Restaking 赛道的方式。 2024年可以说是「质押大年」。从 Cosmos、Solana 到比特币和以太坊生态,质押...
MT Capital Research Report: Breaking the liquidity dilemma of public chains, Berachain may become a new generation of super L1
作为自带技术、社区、Meme 文化与流动性的公链,Berachain 有望成为本轮牛市周期的超级明星公链。 作者:Severin ...
OKX Ventures Investment Quarterly Report: Multi-field layout to promote industry development
OKX Ventures在2024年第一季度投资覆盖基础设施、比特币生态、AI+Depin、Gamefi、Defi、Socialfi等多个赛道,其中基础设施项目占总投资数量的60%。 ...
Next $DEGEN? Learn about Lens protocol’s native MEME $BONSAI
一个协议不是因为有人用才去关注代币,而是有了代币的财富效应后,才会吸引更多人来用。 作者:小白导航 coderwor...
HTX Ventures announces strategic investment in Camp Network to build the future of on-chain consumers
HTX Ventures是火币HTX的全球投资部门,整合投资、孵化和研究以识别全球最优秀和最有前景的团队。 4月3日,HTX Ve...
Looking at IO.NET under the concept of "AI + DePin" from the history of AI development 专注于为AI和机器学习公司聚合GPU资源,致力于以更低的成本和更快的交付时间提供服务。 作者:Biteye 核心...