Omni Network Detailed Explanation: Rollup Fragmentation Unification
OMNI network 是一个跨各 Rollup 的互操作协议,是一个第一层公链,是 Eigenlayer 上的第一个 AVS。 撰文:以南 ...
Archaeological DePIN, looking for the "legitimacy" of the track
当 DePIN 把现实世界中业务的「正统性」带入加密世界了,DePIN 项目就能和公链比肩了。 撰文:Wyz Research 加密...
After EIP-3074, will malicious signatures cause Ethereum account funds to be drained?
EIP-3074 签名中的调用者字段非常重要,一个不良的调用者可能会窃取你的资金。 小白导航 撰文:lightclients 翻译...
With 21 million in financing, is Mezo going to replicate Blast’s L2 path on Bitcoin?
Mezo 采用「Proof of HODL」共识机制,用户通过锁定 BTC 和 MEZO 代币并通过 CometBFT 共识验证交易来保护网络。 ...
Bitget Research Institute: The market rebounded after a sharp drop, and the Meme and AI sectors performed strongly
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Ethereum saw an outflow of $3.6 billion in the first quarter. Where did the money go?
Arbitrum 收获 23 亿美元,成最大赢家。 撰文:Michael Nadeau 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 人们都说投资要追...
字节系产品 Gauth 海外蹿红 ,AI 应用出海有啥诀窍?
AI 很重要,但不是最重要。 撰文:木沐 AI 大风起兮,字节跳动旗下的教育产品 Gauth 在海外飞扬。 根据七麦榜单...
Detailed explanation of AltLayer: Modular + Restaking narrative Rollup service protocol
AltLayer 作为一个去中心化且高度可扩展的 L2 解决方案,在模块化理念的驱动下也可能会取得良好的发展。 撰文:链...
Galaxy Digital: Crypto holders will become a backbone force in the US election
Crypto 选民在美大选中的作用凸显,政策走向或影响数字资产市场。 来源:Decrypt 编译:区块链骑士 根据 Crypt...
The “TON Season” is about to begin, detailing the core functions and potential opportunities of its ecosystem
Thanks to Telegram's large user base, TON is in a good position to accelerate adoption and encourage the creation of new decentralized applications. Written by: 0xGreythorn ...