Parallel EVM+ driver: exploring the unlimited scalability and scale application realization of blockchain
EVM+ 通过无缝整合EVM资产、协议和基础架构,促进了大规模应用的发展,也加快了加密货币与主流应用的融合。 作者...
Introducing bonsol: What new use cases will ZK, verifiable computation on Solana bring?
可验证计算(VC)是以一种能够生成其工作过程的证明的方式运行特定工作负载,这个证明可以在不重新运行计算的情况下公开验证。 ...
Optimistic about trustlessness: EigenLayer AVS will be the first to ignite the Web3 privacy computing track with "cheap security"
Monad Getting Started Guide: Quickly Understand Parallel EVM and Performance Improvement
重新执行并不是瓶颈,瓶颈是访问以太坊的内存。 撰文:Decentralised.Co 编译:小白导航coderworld 交易扩展性...
速览 Scaling Ethereum 2024 入围决赛的 8 个项目
TxFusion引入了一种名为 wallet_sendCalls 的新钱包方法。 撰文:小白导航coderworld 4月5日-26日,Ethglobal 举...
Solana continues to be congested, does Sol need L2 and Rollup?
Solana需要灵魂伴侣:Appchains和Rollup会是它的完美选择吗? 撰文:Yash Agarwal 编译:小白导航coderworld 一...
MT Capital: After BTC halving, the new trend of Crypto market development
MT Capital的创始人Noa和合伙人Ian分别发表演讲,分享了MT Capital的愿景和接下来的投资战略。 由MT Capital(Mom...
Dismantling the blind box and reviewing the airdrop rules of the coin-issuing project to "Gitcoin donors"
Gitcoin 空投收益以前也许只要捐赠,现在得看金额、捐赠项目、捐赠轮次等,更多是作为项目空投的「权重之一」。 ...
The "land finance" and "salinization dilemma" of the public chain ecosystem
Currently, there are only three major asset classes in the true sense: BTC, ETH, and Stablecoins. Author: BeWater Giga-Brain & 0xLoki 1️⃣ Eternal...
Youbi Capital: Why did we invest in Meson Network?
Meson Network是一个庞大的去中心化带宽交易市场并且以此来打造一个公有数据分发网络的基础设施。 作者:Melrose,...