「AI 选美大赛」能卷出多元审美吗?
选手们不仅要形象美,还需要拥有自己的社交账号,评委还会考察这些参赛「AI 美女」的生成技术、商业价值等。 撰文...
Kelp DAO 再次启动「通往十亿 TVL 之路」活动,参与再质押赢取丰厚奖励
欢迎大家加入「通往十亿 TVL 之路」活动第二阶段,一起开启新一段激动人心的旅程! 在此前进行的「通往十亿 TVL...
Web3 支付在发展中国家的兴起也暗示着,我们对金融交易的看法和参与方式正在发生巨变。 来源:cryptoslate 编译...
What do you think of Renzo’s re-pledge narrative?
The Stablecoin Act is actually a general falling from the atmosphere of the United States. This move will directly strangle the lifeblood of the entire blockchain industry. Written by: Haotian How do you view...
Stablecoin bill is gaining popularity again, which may cause major changes in the industry
稳定币法案其实是一个美国从大气层往下落的将军,这一招会直接掐住整个区块链行业的命脉。 撰文:柳叶惊鸿 稳定...
Frequent capital support, project airdrops, and pledged LRT tracks have become a "new holy land for gold digging"
What are the opportunities for restaking LRT? Written by: Xiyou, ChainCatcher Edited by: Marco, ChainCatcher Within 1 month,...
MKR's rebirth: new public chain and RWA stablecoin and Spark lending unicorn
MakerDAO 在熊市和牛市表现强劲是因为其扎实的基本面,还是多变的叙事带来的成功? 撰文:IOSG Ventures TL, DR:...
Which Hong Kong cryptocurrency ETF is the best? A detailed analysis of the differences and similarities between the issuance details of the "Big Three"
对于三家机构发行的加密货币 ETF 究竟有哪些细节上的不同,作为投资者应选择哪家进行购买和交易? 整理:JIN,Tec...
MIIX Capital: io.net Project Research Report
io.net 是去中心化的 GPU 网络,旨在为 ML(机器学习) 提供计算。 撰文:MIIX Capital 1、项目情况 1.1 业务...
Six months after DAC8 was approved, how is the EU’s crypto tax transparency progressing?
DAC8 是欧盟各国为建设更加全面透明的税收制度达成的共识。 撰文:TaxDAO 为了适应不断变化的金融环境,2022 年 ...