2024 Q1 Crypto Market Venture Capital Research Report: Project Valuations Are High, Infrastructure Is Still a Hot Investment Spot

情绪和活动正在改善,但仍远低于之前牛市期间的水平。 撰文:Alex Thorn, Gabe Parker 编译:小白导航coderworld...

Why BTC millionaires now prefer to invest in real estate rather than luxury cars

在 Crypto 资产参与度高的地区,房价上涨速度明显快于 Crypto 资产中心较少的地区。 来源:beincrypto 编译:区...

Interpreting friend.tech V2: New opportunities or old tricks?

The current FT V2 version seems to be missing some key features. Written by: Francesco Translated by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworld friend.tech Introduction frien...

The expectation of interest rate cut is finally settled, and the valuation repair market begins

本周主要关注多位美联储官员的讲话,以及加沙停火协议的进展,没有意外的话,涨势可能温和延续。 撰文:LD Capita...

Shinami 在 Aptos 上推出 Gas Credits 计划

小白导航 Shinami 正在将其Gas Station产品带到 Aptos,包括易于使用的 API 和用于跟踪赞助活动的仪表板。 ...


“传统”加密市场不再有 500 倍的价格了,现在有一个更有趣的赌场。 撰文:Regan Bozman 编译:小白导航coderworld...

Viewpoint: Base up, BSC down

Aerdrome incentivizes ecological projects by bribing miners to form a flywheel effect. In contrast, similar products on BSC did not achieve similar results. Author: Capita...

Vitalik: Binius, efficient proofs for binary fields

Binius 是一种基于二进制字段的证明系统,旨在提高密码学证明的效率,特别是与 SNARK 和 STARK 相关的证明。 小白导航 ...

CNS mainnet launch, an important catalyst for Cardano ecosystem explosion

With the launch of the CNS mainnet on May 7, 2024, it is expected to usher in a new round of wealth effect for the Cardano ecosystem. “Cardano Connet (CNS) is Cardan...

dappOS: Building Windows for the Web3 Era

dappOS使得执行区块链任务变得像点击Windows系统中的图标一样简单。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Bit...
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