Opinion: There is no way to climb up, which is the cruel truth of why young crypto people flock to MEME
What was historically driven by greed is now increasingly driven by desperation.
Stacking DAO V2, providing solutions to new challenges brought by Nakamoto upgrade
The Nakamoto upgrade marks a transformational era for the Stacks ecosystem. The highly anticipated Nakamoto upgrade will revolutionize the Stacks...
Variant Fund: How can the crypto world shape more tasteful AI models?
Models with taste have a large (and growing) potential market. Written by: Alana Levin Translated by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld In the past two years...
FTT is pumping up the market again. Can FTX creditors still make money?
如果重组计划获得破产法院批准,98% 的 FTX 债权人将在该计划生效后 60 天内收到其允许索赔金额的约 118%。 撰文...
深入 Saga:专为游戏行业量身定制的模块化 Layer1 平台
在不到两年的时间里,Saga成功吸引了350个项目,其中80%专注于游戏行业。 撰文:Greythorn 项目名称:Saga 项...
从节点代币奖励来看,CARV是最为慷慨的。 撰文:日月小楚 首先,先理解节点销售。节点销售其实是一种新型的代币...
币安 CEO 亲笔长文:尼日利亚高管沦为“阶下囚”,到底发生了什么?
奈拉贬值、经济危机……都被尼日利亚算在了币安的头上。 作者:Richard Teng 编译:Odaily 星球日报 Azuma 如你所...
「新 Luna」,Berachain 如何带动新一轮 DeFi 热潮?
围绕 Berachain 的整个飞轮将继续运转。 撰文:hitesh.eth 编译:Luccy,BlockBeats 编者按: Berachain 是一...
USDe: A Solution to the Stablecoin Trilemma? Or a Profitable Hedge Fund Model?
USDe 力求提供可扩展的去中心化稳定币,但其稳定性保障和长期运行模式优于以前,不过仍需市场观察。 撰文:Tiena ...
Grayscale Report: "Public Chain and Tokenization Revolution", Who is the biggest beneficiary of RWA?
虽然各种资产都可从代币化趋势中受益,但最有潜力的则是能提供通用全球平台的协议。 撰文:Zach Pandl 编译:Fra...