The 2.0 Moment of Blockchain Interoperability: Chain Explosion and Chain Abstraction
对比三大链抽象解决方案的代表项目:NEAR、Particle 和 Polygon。 撰文:ZHIXIONG PAN 虽然这样说可能有些夸张...
Greythorn Monthly Market Research Report: Cryptocurrency market fluctuated significantly in April, and the market's interest in altcoins was low
随着4月的结束,目前BTC处于价格区间的低端,显示出显著的市场弱势,并可能带来更多有趣的发展。 撰文:Greythorn...
Hayes Fund: The Oracle Wars, Why Flare is Undervalued?
「预言机之战」开启,密切关注 Flare。 小白导航 撰文:Maelstrom(Arthur Hayes 的家族办公室) 编译:Felix,PA...
From 0 to 1: How to create a strong Web3 brand influence
衡量品牌的成功不仅仅是数字上的表现,而是对其在不断变化的加密领域中的影响。小白导航 撰文:ChainPeak 在快节...
The market is waiting for inflation data to "give a surprise", and BTC climbs slightly
市场参与者正在等待美国通胀数据,以帮助确定美联储是否会在 2024 年降息。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews ...
Old money favors Meme, perhaps heralding the beginning of the next cycle
如果传统的加密货币VC最终屈服并决定投资Meme,这可能标志着Meme周期第二波的开始。 撰文:Layergg 编译:小白导...
HTX Ventures announces investment in ChainML to support decentralized AI agent protocol development
HTX Ventures是火币HTX的全球投资部门,整合投资、孵化和研究以识别全球最优秀和最有前景的团队。 小白导航 近日...
OpenAI's all-around model GPT-4o shocked the audience with real-time interaction, and the era of science fiction has arrived
ChatGPT 问世才 17 个月,OpenAI 就拿出了科幻电影里的超级 AI,而且完全免费,人人可用。 撰文:机器之心 太震...
Modular blockchain: The final piece of the Web3 puzzle
模块化区块链的趋势不仅仅是技术上的变革,更是推动整个区块链生态系统迎接未来挑战的重要策略。 撰文:GeekCarte...
A9 Investors share 10 strategies on how to keep profits
贪婪中谨慎,恐惧中贪婪。 撰文:Rocky 上个周期我成功到达过半个 A9,投资 ROI 回报接近 40 倍,但 519 风波和...