0 Cost Awareness Improvement + 0 Airdrop: Academic Labs Second Round of Airdrop Launches, AMA Analyzes AI and Opens a New Era in Education
As a pioneer in deeply integrating cutting-edge technology with education, what innovative actions will Academic Labs take next? As the crypto market is booming,...
HTX Ventures announces investment in Kelp DAO to accelerate heavy staking innovation
“相信 Kelp DAO 的创新方法将改变 DeFi 格局,很激动能够成为他们旅程的一部分。” 近日,HTX Ventures —— 加密...
The brave ones enjoy the world first and step into the Bitcoin time corridor with OKX Web3
OKX Web3 于2024年BTC披萨节期间特在台北街头打造了一座独具特色的【比特币时光博物馆】,吸引了数以万计的来往人群,一起穿越时空,回看比特币发展历史。 ...
Decoding the Korean crypto market: Upbit has the second largest trading volume in the world, and young people are more enthusiastic about crypto than stocks
以数据揭示韩国加密货币社区的发展趋势。 撰文:DeSpread 1. 导言 1.1. 社区的重要性 加密货币项目的社区不...
Amid the FUD, will the new AI king Bittensor fall from the altar?
一代叙事一代神,王权不会有永恒。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 一代叙事一代神。 从去年年底开始,随着 AI 叙事...
Bitget Research Institute: zkSync plans to issue airdrops in mid-June, PEPE hits a record high
过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 昨日乐观情绪继续升温...
Lumoz launches zkProver and zkVerifier based on EigenLayer
5月22日,Lumoz 宣布推出基于EigenLayer 的zkProver 和zkVerifier,不仅显著增强了计算和验证的效率,而且通过EigenLayer 的再质押机制有效确保了整个服务流...
Arweave: Pay once, save forever
随着区块链技术和去中心化存储需求的不断增长,Arweave 有望在未来成为这一领域的领导者。 撰文:链茶馆 1. 项目...
Notcoin is listed on a major exchange. Will mini DApp be a turning point for Mass Adoption?
除了 Notcoin,还有哪些 mini DApp 值得关注? 撰文:HAMSTER 5 月 16 日,Notcoin (NOT)上线了包括 Binance、...
Ethereum ETF, interest rate cuts, elections... HashKey analyzes the three major factors that stimulate the bull market recovery
牛市是否已经复苏?年内有何重要机会引发牛市暴涨? 撰文:Jeffery Ding,HashKey Group 首席分析师 如果说 2013...