Decrypting Hyperspace: The new L1 focused by the founder of a16z redefines the future of supercomputing
Written by: Hyperspace
Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld
Notes to Editors:This is a new type of L1 that has not received widespread attention, but it has been noticed by many industry insiders. Among its early followers is Marc Andreessen, founding partner of a16z. This article comes from the initial self-narration of the project party, explaining why it chose to start building a new L1 in 2023.Blockchain, and its long-term vision for the future.
I am a time traveler from the year 2025. This is ...Blockchainmoments used by hundreds of millions of people every day. These two statements are closely related, and our current reality stems from the story you are about to read.
On January 24, 2023, a group of people collectively known as Gutenberg announced Hyperspace, a new supercomputer powered by a completely browser-based blockchain. In hindsight, it has become one of the most important products in the history of computing since the Macintosh was launched on January 24, 1984. When you read this in 2023, it sounds ridiculous, but it doesn't in our present. Our world is very different from yours - it was created through the willpower of a group of people who should not have done these things.
Why build a new blockchain in 2023?
To give you an idea of how outrageous Hyperspace’s invention is, consider that by early 2023, there will already be dozens of extremely well-funded blockchains in existence.CommunityThinking that what needs to be invented has already been invented is a result of people not understanding the practicality of blockchain. The problem is,CommunityBlockchains are being built as extensions of research projects, and these frictions are being ignored, and then most everyone else is unfortunately drawn into extracting all the value they can from these systems.
We learned from Satoshi Nakamoto how to build blockchain, but we don’t know why he created blockchain.
In this world, Satoshi’s message has been lost. It was a message of simplicity, of equal opportunity for all at the outset, and of cryptoeconomic benefits shared across the entire network. It was a message of sacrifice for the greater good, and that sacrifice came in the form of choosing to live an ordinary life, not taking credit for your inventions, and deliberately not mining as much as you could have done — again choosing the good of the network. Recall that in 2009, a college student could download a Bitcoin client and earn 50 Bitcoins simply by being a full network participant. Those Bitcoins were nearly worthless at the time, but if the network took off, it provided equal opportunity for all.
The blockchain era sweeping the world
By 2022, blockchain had fully entered the franchise era, much like a local businessman deciding to run a McDonald’s franchise. It was an investment: deep financial and technical resources to become a full validator. Block production was actively shifting into the hands of centralized entities, a deliberate design decision, such as Ethereum, where at one point over 80% of production was being done by a single corporate entity. Full validators numbered in the thousands, mostly located in specific data centers in AWS Virginia and Germany. Many other projects masqueraded as blockchains that were in reality only slightly more decentralized than traditional corporate databases. A single liquidity collateral derivative entity with about 100 members theoretically held governance rights for many of the major Proof-of-Stake blockchains at the time. By simply appearing on the list of some obscure bureaucrat in a particular country, transactions could be censored and the user experience noticeably worse. After 2022, the world also began tocryptocurrencyConnected to greed, not practicality.
Except for speculators, ordinary people are excluded from the world of blockchain.
While almost everyone in the world could not access full network rewards (consider that only 6% American households can afford to become full Ethereum validators in 2022), developers were required to learn complex programming languages while figuring out how to connect all the pieces in the blockchain ecosystem at the time. This resulted in the number of active blockchain developers being around 1,000, when there were over 100 million software developers worldwide. Users were willing to sacrifice less because there were enough friction points. We didn't build enough practical systems and applications for people in Manila, Casablanca, or even Phoenix, Arizona. This led to a fundamental inequality where one person with enough technical and financial resources became the main beneficiary of the powerful new blockchain world, and it was unfair.
People saw the 2010sintelligentcontractRevolution, but without experiencing it personally.
What is needed is a fresh start, to rethink everything from scratch. A passionate amateur team with nothing to start with might ask ridiculous questions like:
Well, what would a more decentralized blockchain look like than Ethereum?
How can we get ordinary people to participate more widely in the blockchain and reintroduce the early spirit of participation in Bitcoin and BitTorrent?
Can we provide a fully browser-native experience for the entire blockchain for validators, users, and developers?
Why should people pay “franchise owners” for computational costs on other blockchain systems when they can simply use their own browser?
From Manila to Mumbai, how can a blockchain system be designed to allow tens of millions of people to use it at the same time?
The opening page of the first draft of the Hyperspace paper: It describes the detailed engineering innovations of a P2P browser, a ZK-Proof and WebAssembly based runtime called Nanochain, a super decentralized parallel execution and parallel block production architecture called Interstellar, all of which leverage a massively decentralized state subprotocol called Groot. The paper describes why this designSafetyIt then goes on to explain how we are massively simplifying the end-to-end experience for users, developers, and validators.
All zombie blockchains are fast and cheap. But our goal is to design the cheapest and fastest system at high concurrency.
Designing Hyperspace: Our Thoughts
When Hyperspace was announced, the blockchain landscape looked like this:
This blockchain is the "microchip" of an entire new browser-based P2P supercomputer, built over the next few years, and was the fastest L1 and most powerful design at the time it was announced. This was a combination of radical new innovations based on rapid learning/iteration based on industry observations, leading to a parallel execution zkVM design across the network (beyond the powerful server designs common in other blockchains), and also parallel verification. Hyperspace's series of breakthrough technologies at the time included:
BrowserP2PNetwork: Enhanced browsers run blockchain protocols without requiring users to download anythingWest
The browser web solution that the Gutenberg team found was the most groundbreaking of its generation, ushering in a whole new era of the web that was essentially peer-to-peer.
As part of the first set of engineering challenges, the team developed a network library that enhances full peer-to-peer connectivity between existing browsers: from discovering these nodes to forming a stable connection to exchange data. Now running a full blockchain node no longer requires downloading and installing software on your computer. This allows future blockchains and decentralized services to be completely browser-based in the near future and will open up a world of decentralized web applications. Imagine the entire front end of these applications running on this P2P network, without the need for large tech cloud services. This provides users with better privacy protection, reduced latency in some cases, and ultimately reduced costs, while providing a permanently running, highly available, permissionless network.
PS: If you like Nostr in late 2022, you will also like Hyperspace Network Protocol in 2023 as it offers similar benefits but now with full P2P.
Web zkVM: Building a web-based zkVM in the browserZK + WebAssemblyFastSafetyAt runtime, proof of execution can be generated
Hyperspace leverages the new web zkVM in the user’s own browser to perform intelligentcontract, and capture the proof of execution trace in STARK. These STARKs ("actions") are packaged into a single SNARK transaction and propagated across the network. This design enables massively parallel execution. Since it is known which specific states are affected, this plays a key role in parallel verification. Overall, this design achieves 10ms-50ms pre-L1 finality in the same area, providing a faster experience than so-called web2 and enabling new types ofweb3Multi-person use case.
Here’s a link to a live demo of Hyperspace web zkVM – click here to try it out!
This website has the zero-knowledge runtime embedded in it. To see how fast it is, try our simulation limit. When you press the play button, send as many actions to it as you can in the next ten seconds by pressing any key/any mouse click or touch. Each time an action is triggered, the runtime executes a piece of WebAssembly (WASM) code that simulates getting/modifying state, and then generates a proof of its execution (making the square green). All of these proofs are then merged into a single proof, which constitutes a transaction in the Hyperspace system.
If you think that’s fast enough, imagine this being the foundation of user experience for social, gaming, financial, and marketplace applications.
3.parallelValidation: Multi-lane highway approach to module building and validation, very practical for global use
Narwhal-inspired DAG and enhanced Hotstuff
A group of decentralized nodes utilizing DAG and weighted algorithms efficiently packages transactions into blocks which are then sent to specific validator shards.
Conflict-free shard consensus
These shards can also directly receive transactions, further build blocks, and perform distributed consensus, thereby validating multiple microblocks in parallel and without conflicts.
Breakthrough design of shard state
Hyperspace was designed from the ground up with a sharded state strategy in mind, which prevents the state bloat problem that has plagued all monolithic L1 builds to date. Ethereum’s own technical project lead once called it a “death spiral” where the state grows by 1GB per day. Hyperspace aims to solve this problem from the start.
Optimization for cross-program calls
Overall, the system is designed with the worst-case scenario in mind: maximum cross-program calls. This requires rethinking the entire verification and execution layer, completely removing the execution bottleneck in the verifier to enable parallel verification and achieve true platform scalability.
Intrinsic horizontal expansion design
The system design makes it possible to continue to add validator shards as the system grows, because it does not require a single block production node with high system requirements. This has always been the basis of the Gutenberg team's philosophy: to enable ordinary people to become full network participants with a simple laptop and browser.
Hyperspace combines identity,OracleEven repledgeEverything is incorporated into the base protocol to achieve high-quality UX and DX
There is one commonality between the approach Apple takes to its products and how Vitalik suggests building new blockchains: integrated experiences.
Hyperspace incorporates oracles into the core protocol, and existing validators can join using browser-based client software to start providing oracle services to the network. By leveraging the re-staking mechanism incorporated into the base protocol, it improvesSafetyThe oracle was created to facilitate the integration of dApps built on Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, and Near with Hyperspace. From a developer’s perspective, this sanctified oracle provided low-level primitives that simplified working with off-chain data compared to the oracles that existed at the time.
Hyperspace provides an integrated identity and intelligencewalletThe Hyperspace Subprotocol introduces a new way to manage independent identities in the Hyperspace ecosystem. These are called Session Subprotocols.wallet,它们从用户的主wallet中加密派生,将它们抽象为其特定应用的多重身份。这种设计受到传统Web用户体验的启发,使用户完全控制他们授权的应用程序以及支出限制。总的来说,这种零安装方法为初学者简化了采用流程,同时为高级用户提供了实用的Safetyoptions. This subprotocol also specifiesToken/NFT standard, making it easier for smart contract developers to integrate it while achieving composability. This unlocks new design space for transactions that do not require confirmation and are fully suitable for multi-person scenarios.
Designed for developers. "The line of code that is fastest to write, that never breaks, that never needs maintenance is the line of code that you never need to write." - Steve Jobs, 1997 keynote.
Hyperspace uses TypeScript as the main smart contract development language, combined with a software development kit (SDK), enabling millions of amateur web developers to quickly adapt to smart contracts. The protocol also sanctifies multiple sub-protocols and decentralized services, providing developers with an integrated experience that simplifies the construction of complex applications.
Just as Uber disrupted the taxi medallion business, Hyperspace disrupts the full node validator business – democratizing it
Hyperspace’s cryptoeconomics are driven by a few fundamental ideas, including:
Even a college student with a laptop should be able to earn significant rewards by simply using a browser and fully participating in this new network.
Deflation model, the deflation model is based on re-mortgageTokenAdd value and thus improve the security of the network.
Keep the blockchain independent from any governance mechanisms imposed by external liquidity staking derivatives. If all other PoS blockchains are censored for any reason, at least Hyperspace should remain viable.
Maximize the decentralization of block production among regular people rather than corporate entities that may censor and degrade the permissionless user experience.
What people experienced: The era of supercomputers
The concept of a “supercomputer” used to refer to a group of extremely powerful computers connected together and located in the same building. Hyperspace takes this concept to a level that is accessible to hundreds of millions of people using only a browser on their laptops, without any installation required. This entirely P2P-based “computer” builds on three inevitable trends of the 2020s:
Laptops and other personal computing devices have become incredibly powerful and cheaper at the same time. This has made running computing in data centers obsolete.
Bandwidth became faster and cheaper, while new capabilities were unlocked through improvements in browser P2P networking.
Zero knowledge proofThe era of WebAssembly makes it possible to run on computers at near-native speeds even within a browser, without any installation required.
Hyperspace is how ordinary people experience the power of an efficient network formed by direct connections between browser nodes, and are able to perform a variety of functions that are usually done using proprietary APIs and cloud providers. The "Shopify, Uber, Airbnb, and even ChatGPT" of our time are increasingly and inevitably running on such a P2P network maintained by ordinary network users, rather than being subject to a specific company and its rules. Software functions have been commoditized on a large scale. This is the era of smart contracts.
The world we imagine is this: everything iscryptocurrencyrelated.
With Hyperspace, you now don't have to pay high rates to a third-party closed database just to execute business logic. The code is open, active, and available. You can efficiently trade with others directly from your computer. You can easily access millions of smart contracts, or quickly put together your own. Your data is not locked; you own and control it. You can also choose to participate in this network and provide computer resources to it to improve the health of the network and earn rewards. Think BitTorrent.
This is a peer-to-peer computing world driven by the browser, without downloading anything. The Hyperspace blockchain is like a microchip, running invisible - as a user, you experience the power of the entire network.
We're improving the basic web experience.
The end game: fully peer-to-peer native browsers
“The network is the platform” - Marc Andreessen
Although mainstream browser vendors continue to make the underlying hardware and software extremely powerful, they have not fully aligned with the peer-to-peer computing paradigm. This requires the Gutenberg team to come up with multiple browser network-related innovations that involve some trade-offs. Ultimately, in order to provide users with the best and closest to native Web3 experience, the ultimate goal has become to build a Hyperbrowser.
Decentralized web applications will also load much faster because the runtime is also local to the browser. This is achieved by telling the server where the dApp is stored and that the requester is using a Hyperbrowser. The server then sends a smaller application that only contains the smart contract, CSS, HTML, and Javascript - no additional runtime. This will save bandwidth by drastically reducing the size required to load the application and provide a faster experience while improving decentralization. A world of tens of millions of smart contracts that become native web objects is fundamentally good for consumers.
Overall, Hyperspace intends to raise the bar for web browsers in the 2020s. The client-server browsers of the 2010s were great, but now is the time for powerful peer-to-peer software across devices.
use AI Build and deploy on Hyperspace
A brief introduction to how the software world works now:
It is now 2025 and software creation is being done by generations after ChatGPT and similar models.AI产品完成,而软件的部署和使用发生在像Hyperspace这样的加速版P2P“超级计算机”上。您的AI代理根据您的历史和基本提示为您量身定制端到端的个性化软件体验,并使用Hyperspace作为部署层。
Here is an example of a user renting out a spare room:
To simply rent a room to a traveler, you don’t have to visit a website, click dozens of buttons, manually select a price, pay expensive and arbitrary commission fees, and lock up your data! Instead, your AI agent has learned your intentions and schedule, found the best fit among the millions of trusted and cost-effective auction smart contracts on Hyperspace, and packaged multiple fully functional software experiences for you, using the data you provided — all running entirely on a fully peer-to-peer network of thousands of browser-based nodes stitched together by Hyperspace using cryptoeconomic incentives.
Even these millions of smart contracts were not built by early 2020s blockchain rocket scientists, but by AI models using simple prompts from ordinary web users or thousands of TypeScript developers. Now, by saying a word, you can rent your room at the best price and pay almost no commission fees as smart contracts automatically compete to serve you! We move from automatic competition of advertisers in Google search results to automatic competition of smart contracts on Hyperspace to provide you with the best software utility.
Software has become as commoditized as electricity. Other use cases include:
P2P Discord and other messaging apps.
P2P Netflix, Youtube and other file sharing systems.
P2P Notion and other note-taking systems.
The P2P metaverse is further enabled by technologies such as WebGPU and WebXR. In MMORPG games, everyone moves on a connected application map in a 3D world.
P2P game: one player hosts the game and other players can join directly.
P2P AI: Each user uses only their local user data to jointly train the model.
Now, the idea of a single company owning your data seems like a distant memory. We have very powerful laptops that connect seamlessly to each other and to Hyperspace supercomputers through the fast and cheap bandwidth now available. This is our new world, and it’s exciting to think that we are still in the early stages of realizing the full power of such a network.
The article comes from the Internet:Decrypting Hyperspace: The new L1 focused by the founder of a16z redefines the future of supercomputing
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