Professor from Singapore's top university guest on Huobi Live: AI opens a new paradigm for Web3 digital security

Huobi HTX is committed to providing users with comprehensive, easy-to-understand and practical digitalSafetyInformation to enhanceSafetyconsciousness.

On November 1, Meta Trust co-founder, Professor Liu Yang from the School of Computer Science at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, and Scantist Chief Consultant, Dr. Xie Xiaofei, Assistant Professor at Singapore Management University (SMU), were guests at Huobi Live. The theme of this live broadcast was “Web2, Web3 andAISafetyThe intersection ofSafetyChallenge" as the theme, explained in detailAI在Web2/Web3Safety领域的应用、Web3时代用户隐私和数据安全、AIissues such as future development.

With the rapid development of Web3, it is particularly important to protect the security of user data and assets. Recently, Huobi HTX has provided users with Web3 security knowledge through interviews, live broadcasts and other methods. At the same time, it has cooperated with industry institutions such as CertiK, Cobo, and New Fire Technology to protect the security of user assets and promote the healthy development of Web3.

The digital security divide between Web2 and Web3

During the live broadcast, Professor Liu Yang analyzed that in the past 10-20 years of development, the security challenges in the Web2 field have gradually changed, from network security to operating system security, and then to application layer security. Web3 is in an early and rapid development stage, from public chain to Layer2 to application layer, and different architectures involve different security challenges.

According to its analysis, the differences between Web2 and Web3 in the field of digital security are specifically manifested in five aspects:

1In terms of decentralization, most of the services and data of Web2 are centralized, which means that a single point attack may lead to a large amount of data loss or leakage; while the decentralized design of Web3 focuses more oncontractand basic security confirmation of the underlying infrastructure.

2. In terms of identity authentication, Web2 mostly uses username and password for identity authentication; Web3 mostly uses key/multi-signature for identity authentication. Therefore, Web3 faceswalletProtection and the security of the multi-signature system design. In addition, this shift increases the cost of Web3 security education, especially in MPCwalletUsage level.

3. In terms of data ownership and access control, Web2 data is basically owned by service providers, who decide access rights and usage rights.Web3 takes an open source approach, the data is publicly available and stored inBlockchainThis may cause certain privacy issues.

4. In terms of system updates and repairs, Web2 is relatively easy to upgrade because service providers can update servers and software at any time. However, in Web3, since the on-chain data cannot be changed, updates and repairs become more difficult. Therefore, new mechanisms are needed to deal with security protection issues, such as: smartcontractUpgrades and hard forks, etc.

5. In terms of economic incentives and attacks, Web3 adoptsTokenThe economic model provides more direct economic incentives for attackers. Therefore, security incidents and losses in the Web3 field are more significant than those in Web2.CommunityMore stringent security measures and economic incentives are needed to protect the security of the network.

Dr. Xie Xiaofei briefly supplemented the question. He believed that in the field of Web3, a small vulnerability could lead to huge losses, and it was necessary to cultivate developers' security awareness. In addition, it was crucial for security companies to provide developers with algorithms and tools that were as automated as possible, including AI. Automated tools can reduce the workload of developers, improve work efficiency, and reduce the possibility of human errors and vulnerabilities.

When talking about the interoperability between Web2 and Web3, Dr. Xie Xiaofei said that the conflicts in trust models, differentiated identity authentication, different protocol standards, and data consistency make the interaction between Web2 and Web3 complicated. How to deal with the potential security risks of each and unify the interoperability information framework are issues that need to be considered.

Professor Liu Yang also said that the interaction between Web2 and Web3 will become a key point of security challenges. In the process of interaction between the two, new attack surfaces may be introduced, which requires specific analysis of specific application scenarios.

AI opens a new paradigm for digital security

In the Web3 era, everyone can gain credit through their digital identity, data is more secure, and users have more autonomy. In this process, data privacy, security, and openness issues are becoming increasingly prominent.

Dr. Xie Xiaofei said that it is necessary to educate users on digital safety and adoptZero knowledge proof, homomorphic encryption and other technical means to solve such problems.

In fact, AI also plays an important role in the field of Web3 digital security, and has spawned new forms and models. Professor Liu Yang introduced that from traditional network security traffic analysis to the widely used application layer vulnerability analysis, to the security log and behavior analysis on the system layer cloud, and even incryptocurrencyTrading andBlockchain智能合约等方面的安全分析,AI技术都发挥了重要的作用。

AI, especially large models, has a bright future in the field of digital security. Although it has shown good results, there are still a lot of false positives and missed negatives in vulnerability detection. Dr. Xie Xiaofei said that we need to continuously improve the quality of our data through data cleaning.Xiaobai NavigationThe overall performance and quality of AI big models can be improved by washing or other methods to adapt to the ever-changing threat and security environment, as well as different application scenarios. Professor Liu Yang said that there are too many attempts and possibilities for AI to be implemented in the field of digital security. More scientific research needs to be invested, and scientific research needs to be commercialized. The ultimate goal is to transform AI big models with basic capabilities into experts with security capabilities.

When talking about the future of AI, Professor Liu Yang said that technology is a double-edged sword. A new technology requires the joint efforts of enterprises and regulatory authorities to become a tool that people can rely on.

During the live broadcast, Huobi HTX said that in the Web3 era, digital security is not only the key to protecting personal privacy and assets, but also the basis for users to trust and safely participate in the Web3 world. Huobi HTX is committed to providing users with comprehensive, easy-to-understand and practical digital security information to enhance security awareness; at the same time, it provides a series of security tools and technical support to help users better protect assets and information security. In this Web3 era full of challenges and opportunities, Huobi HTX looks forward to exploring, learning and growing with users.

The article comes from the Internet:Professor from Singapore's top university guest on Huobi Live: AI opens a new paradigm for Web3 digital security

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