Betting on SCION, how can Sui take performance a step further?

Sui has become the first L1 project to run SCION.

Written by BL, STUDIO MIRAI Chief Technology Officer

Compiled by Alex Liu, Foresight News

Sui has become the first L1 project to run SCION (now in testnet), what is SCION and what is Sui building?

Let's first talk about the Internet, what it is, and how it currently works.

The Internet is governed by thousands of networks called Autonomous Systems (AS). ASs are managed by ISPs, businesses, government entities, universities, and other large organizations.

When a client makes a request over the Internet (such as submitting a Sui transaction), the request will be routed to the target server (such as an RPC node).

But how do the requests get to the RPC node?

Currently, the Internet uses a protocol called BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to route traffic. Similar to the several breaks you might take during a cross-country drive, packets traveling through the Internet also make several stops before reaching their destination. These stops are often called "hops."

However, unlike off-road driving, which has a predetermined route, packets routed via BGP have no knownXiaobai NavigationRouting! The only thing known is the destination IP, and the "next hop" is determined dynamically at the "current hop". Basically, BGP routing is like driving off-road, navigating to the first rest stop, and then asking that rest stop for directions to the next one. There are two problems with this model:

  1. The first rest stop may not provide the quickest route to the next one.

  2. If you get stuck in traffic between rest stops, there is no easy way to take an alternative route because no other routes are known.

押注 SCION,Sui 如何在性能上更进一步?

SCION aims to solve these two problems (and more) while optimizing network latency, reliability, andSafetysex.

To achieve this goal, SCION organizes groups of ASes into ISDs (Isolated Domains). Think of an ISD as a group of AS operators that come together to form a special club. Within the club, participating ASes commit to a common set of rules.Safetyand performance policies, which are designed to optimize traffic routing within their respective networks.

Recall that traffic routed via BGP has no control over the path it takes through different ASes – the path is determined dynamically on a “hop by hop” basis. This is what makes a SCION-enabled network different!

On networks that support SCION, clients can pre-specify network routes – this is called “path-aware networking”. This makes it possible to direct traffic to take the most ideal route. SCION also supports backup routes and even allows traffic to be load-balanced across multiple routes simultaneously!

Going back to the off-road driving analogy, with SCION, you can now decide exactly which route to take without having to ask a bunch of rest stops. In addition, if the first route becomes congested (for example, a car accident blocks traffic), you can fall back to the second pre-planned route.

SCION is a massive undertaking, and Sui validators, RPC nodes, and surrounding infrastructure will all benefit!

For example, the following benefits:

  1. Validators – Latency optimizations for validator and RPC-validator connections.

  2. Pre-planned backup paths to bypass DDoS or congestion.

  3. Is it possible to prioritize certain types of traffic?

押注 SCION,Sui 如何在性能上更进一步?

With SCION’s support, Sui indeed has the most powerful Web3 stack in the world…

  • zkLogin for authentication.

  • Objects used to model lifecycles in applications.

  • WalrusUsed for blob storage bound to Sui objects.

  • SCION is used for networking.

Sui is making a splash.

The article comes from the Internet:Betting on SCION, how can Sui take performance a step further?

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