Amid the uproar, let’s re-examine Ethereum’s positioning and roadmap

Value capture is important, but it’s too early to discuss it now.

Written by Mike Neuder, Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation

Compiled by: Azuma, Odaily Planet Daily

Editor’s note: This article is a personal opinion article published today by Mike Neuder, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation. The article mainly re-examines Ethereum’s positioning, roadmap, value capture, etc.

According to Neuder, although this article only represents his personal views, it received comments and support from many Ethereum ecosystem "brains" including Vitalik during the writing process. At a time when Ethereum is rife with controversy, this article may help the market further understand Ethereum's operating ideas and development context.

1. The Essence of Ethereum: Property Rights

Ethereum is essentially a protocol for property rights. The Ethereum protocol creates a digital, self-custodial, permissionless asset whose value can be transferred globally and cannot be confiscated or censored. Ethereum's unwavering pursuit of decentralization is precisely to achieve this goal, and any compromise on decentralization may become an opportunity for confiscation or censorship, thereby fundamentally limiting the effectiveness of this property rights system.

The three basic pillars of this argument are:

  • BlockchainThe biggest difference from traditional finance is property rights, that is, users have inalienable rights in the storage and transmission of value;

  • In the centralizedBlockchainAbove that, certain powerful entities can influence the outcome of the chain.

  • The value stored in a property rights system is directly related to the credibility of the property rights in that system.

In summary, a centralized system that can (and will) be coerced by a centralized censorship party cannot provide the same property rights as a decentralized system, and therefore has lower value. There is a common misconception that Ethereum’s decentralization is only valuable in “World War III” or the “post-dollar era”, but this is actually wrong - decentralization is crucial now.

BlockchainThe attack model must consider not only adversaries who want to reverse transaction finality, but also more subtle actors who seek to control economic outcomes without completely destroying the system. This attack behavior manifests itself in multiple ways, including coercing the behavior of validating nodes (see the recent staff report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and enforcing strict KYC/AML requirements for on-chain activities (see Blackrock’s BUIDL fund for details).

Solana’s stated goal of enabling “the world’s best, most permissionless, most accessible financial market” and “a global shared state accessible to anyone without permission” cannot be achieved without a clear strategy to maintain the trusted neutrality of its block production. Failing to do so, the chain may end up being little more than a regulated but transparent financial transmission layer — potentially subject to government censorship restrictions. This prospect seems far less attractive, influential, and valuable than a property rights system built around “censorship resistance” and “self-custody.”

In addition to the validator set, Ethereum has effectively decentralized many other parts of the ecosystem, including (i) early ETH distribution based on crowdfunding and PoW mining; (ii) decentralized staking distribution; and (iii)L2 (iv) continued improvement in customer diversity… Ethereum’s decentralization efforts at the “human” level are also impressive — the network is built in the open by individuals and teams around the world, allowing many people to contribute to and invest in the future of the protocol. This true decentralization of value, power, and intelligence is extremely difficult to replicate. Furthermore, because much of the technology is researched and developed in an open source and public domain environment, Ethereum can also inherit some of the advantages of an ecosystem focused on executing on scaling. Technology can be commoditized, but Ethereum’s decentralization cannot.

然而值得注意的是,决定这些生态系统结果的是市场而不是价值观。如果在 L1 执行、用户体验和价值累积等方面,去中心化的边际成本过高,那么去中心化程度最高的区块链的价值可能也会降低。Solana、Monad、BSC、Tron 的看涨逻辑是,这些区块链可以用较低程度的去中心化为大多数用户和应用程序提供相对足够的产权效用。

I tend to think that in the medium term, censorship, asset seizures, KYC/AML, node coercion, etc. will cause people to begin to question the robustness of centralized systems and may lead to the market for such systems being restricted to a single jurisdiction. In a multipolar world, where countries lack trust in each other and seek to regulate and monitor their citizens through capital controls and financial surveillance, it seems unlikely that global economic activity will naturally flow through a single system, but Ethereum has a unique claim to trusted neutrality, and ETH is an asset that derives its value from this trusted neutrality, and it is also the first choice for truly permissionless value storage in this system.

相比之下,中心化机构所发行的美元稳定币并不为持有者提供任何产权保证,正如 Eigenlayer 创始人 Sreeram 所说,任何 USDxxx 的持有者都可能面临被 Circle 或 Tether 任意「收割」的风险 —— 你无法在有着对手方风险的情况下真正拥有可编程的货币。我希望 ETH 和用 ETH 抵押的稳定币及衍生品能够成为保护数字财产主权的默认选项。

2. Ethereum and Rollups

Ethereum’s neutrality and censorship-resistant properties make it the best place to settle, store, and express value. However, L1 settlement alone does not fully describe the goals of Ethereum’s Rollups-centric roadmap. Ethereum also serves as the settlement and data availability layer for Rollups.

I would view Rollups (and their corresponding Rollup platforms, such as Optimism Superchain and Arbitrum Orbit) as separate territories. Each territory will compete to provide users with what they want - fast transactions, low fees, simple on-chain processes, etc., but this is at the expense of a certain degree of decentralization.

I call it territory because it seems that the Rollups teams responsible for creating and expanding the ecosystem will continue to have huge influence in their respective fields, but this seems acceptable. The significance of Rollups is that they make trade-offs that Ethereum L1 is unwilling to make. If Rollups all need to be as decentralized as Ethereum, then why establish this symbiotic relationship in the first place? Rollups rely on the decentralized nature of Ethereum.SafetyEthereum relies on Rollups to expand economic activities within the ecosystem.

An important premise here is that Rollups must reach Stage 2, which is the upgrade bridge.contractThe rules of Stage 2 are extremely sound and provide a clear exit path for bridged assets. However, it is important to note that Stage 2 does not emphasize (i) the degree of decentralization of the Rollups sorter; (ii) the destination of the fees and MEV (miner extractable value) generated by Rollups activities; and (iii) the interoperability between the Rollups ecosystem.

Stage 2: How Rollups can leverage EthereumSafetyThe Rollup protocol sets a standard for stability and decentralization, while not prescribing much about other dimensions of Rollup design. I won’t get into the debate about how or when Rollups implement sorter decentralization (although I generally agree with Max — I don’t see the motivation for them to do so). Still, I agree with Vitalik that this should not be a top priority. I think the most important tasks for Rollups right now are (i) inheriting Ethereum’sSafety(ii) inheriting Ethereum’s censorship-resistance by having a transparent and efficient forced inclusion mechanism (without the time delays that exist today). In my opinion, these are the key elements, and they all go back to the fact that Ethereum can be used for L1 and L2 Assets are subject to the most robust title systems available.

(2.1) Data Availability (DA) of Ethereum

A key element of Rollups design is where to publish transaction data (i.e. which DA service to use). In fact, we can see that some new projects have used alternative data availability layers (alt-DA) from the beginning.

I don't support someCommunityThe practice of members trying to use social pressure or coercion to force projects to use Ethereum's data availability layer (DA) is unsustainable in any case. Instead, we should examine what unique advantages Ethereum's DA service can provide and consider potential network effects. The main advantage of using Ethereum DA is that it inherits Ethereum's property rights utility and censorship resistance (do I sound like a repeater...). I like to describe this feature as enabling the "free flow" of Rollup assets. As an on-chain user, if I know that my assets will not be confiscated and I can enjoy the same level of self-custody protection, then I will be happy to conduct most of my daily financial activities on a Rollup that is slightly less decentralized than Ethereum. With this in mind, let's think about the following scenarios:

Scenario Design: For a standard intelligentcontractBridge bridges ETH to L2 For users, under what circumstances can they withdraw funds to different addresses on L1 through the bridge?

The ability of L2 to escape depends on where L2 releases the data.

If the L2 is a Rollup based on Ethereum DA and publishes transaction data to Ethereum's Blob, users will be able to use the "escape" mechanism unconditionally.contractThe data behind each status update on the blockchain is submitted to Ethereum's Blob, which ensures that Rollups users can prove the validity of withdrawals and use L1 to package transactions (they always retain sovereignty over L2 assets).

If the L2 chooses the resolution scheme of publishing transaction data to other DAs, then the "escape" mechanism will only be available when Rollups are active. By publishing L2's transaction data to different chains, the state updates of the bridge contract on Ethereum need to be linked to the availability of transaction data on the alt-DA chain. In other words, if someone publishes an invalid state root to the bridge contract without publishing transaction data to the alt-DA chain (commonly known as a "data withholding attack"), then L2 users cannot prove that their withdrawals are valid and therefore cannot withdraw ETH to L1 (they will lose sovereignty over their L2 assets).

It is worth noting that the second outcome would require L2 to permanently stop producing blocks in order to seize all assets on the standard bridge contract, a rather extreme level of intervention. Based on the above scenario assumptions, we can draw a simple conclusion: only Ethereum Rollups that have reached Stage 2 and publish transaction data to Blob can provide the same level of property rights protection for assets bridged to L2.

The above scenario highlights the first network effect of Ethereum DA services (and what I consider to be the best effect): a Rollup that publishes data to the Ethereum DA can benefit from other Rollups that do the same, because all assets on all chains will share the same trust assumptions. Sreeram calls this the "trustless composability network effect" - I like the name, although the value of this from a user perspective is not yet clear. We are still in the very early stages of L2 adoption, and it seems unnecessary to speculate too much on this. It is perhaps more important to ensure that Rollups have no immediate incentive to use external DA services. The goal of scaling Ethereum DA performance through PeerDAS and Danksharding is highly consistent with the vision of providing a large number of blobs for Rollups, so it was a simple decision.

In the future, we can imagine Ethereum DA generating other network effects. For example, in the field of real-time proof of transaction validity and pre-consensus (preconfs)Xiaobai NavigationIn the future, Rollups using Ethereum DA may have better cross-chain user experience, more liquidity, and more users. These arguments may be too futuristic for many people to have a firm belief in them.

The network effect of DA only becomes critical if we truly view DA fees as a core component of the value of the ETH asset. Let’s explore this question a little deeper.

(2.2) Value capture of ETH

So far, we haven’t discussed fees and how they add value to Ethereum (ETH) as an asset, even though this has been a major topic over the past few weeks. In the structure of this article, I see this as being more important than (1) Ethereum’s property rights utility and censorship resistance as a settlement layer, and (2) Ethereum’s ability to scale to Rollups as a DA layer.SafetyHaving said that, it is still necessary to think about more "direct" forms of ETH appreciation.

Personally, I agree most with what Dankrad Feist (another Ethereum Foundation researcher) said in a recent AMA on the topic of DA fees:

“I don’t believe fees from Blobs will be the best value capture mechanism for Ethereum. The data availability market is too volatile — while Ethereum offers the best security, it’s too easy to get something ‘close enough’ and that will never be a good way to extract value.”

Fundamentally, I don’t think Ethereum DA will be very sticky. The network effects mentioned above are not strong enough to continuously require L2 to pay higher Blob fees, but I don’t think this is a problem. By providing cheap DA services to Rollups, Ethereum encourages them to build and grow the amount of economic activity in the Ethereum ecosystem. Therefore, proposals that seek to drive short-term destruction rates by increasing Blob pricing seem to be completely in the wrong direction (again agreeing with Dankrad here). Francesco (Ethereum Foundation Researcher) also gave a great speech on this in a recent AMA, outlining how many L2 transactions can be carried out under the proposed DA expansion.

Another source of ETH’s value accumulation is the destruction of L1 execution fees. Max Resnick (Ethereum Foundation researcher) and his colleagues have started a campaign to bring all DeFi execution back to L1; at the same time Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation researcher) believes that L1 execution “has no future”; my views are somewhere in between the two. Here I would like to quote Dankrad’s statement again.

“Ethereum L1 will become the intersection between all of these subdomains, and a lot of very valuable activity will continue to occur on it, which will generate valuable fees. (In order for this to happen, some degree of L1 scaling will be required.)”

It seems that valuable activity will always happen on Ethereum, and creating a platform that facilitates a lot of L2 economic activity will also drive the use of the underlying chain. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the L1 execution layer to facilitate the growth of these activities, but I think this matter is less urgent than "maintaining and improving Ethereum's properties as a settlement layer and DA layer." This once again highlights my core point that Ethereum should maximize economic activity within its platform (including Rollups), and ETH should be positioned as a truly permissionless value storage medium, not just an interest-bearing asset.

The focus on ETH’s store of value naturally leads to the question: “Why shouldn’t I choose BTC?”

I will end this question with a brief answer.

3. About Bitcoin

There is a lot to discuss about Bitcoin (BTC), especially as it has revitalized the research and development ecosystem in areas such as ordinals, runes, Rrollups, BitVM, etc., but this article is not intended to go into those details, and I am not the right person to discuss them. However, I will point out a few key points that are closely related to the Ethereum vision mentioned above.

First, there is the question of Bitcoin’s fixed supply cap of 21 million coins. This revolutionary idea of actively creating digital scarcity is extremely powerful and has made Bitcoin one of the most valuable assets in the world (ranked 10th with a market cap of $1 trillion as of September 2024). However, I believe that the 21 million cap commitment is a fatal flaw in the Bitcoin system because I believe Bitcoin’s fork selection rule is inherently “not stable enough” in the face of a gradual decrease in block rewards. The common market response to this view is that fee revenue will become high enough to incentivize honest mining behavior, but I disagree with this view.

The chart below shows the fluctuations in Bitcoin network fees over the past six years. I don't believe that mining entities can remain profitable with such an unstable income stream. For example, in the two years from mid-2021 to mid-2023, the Bitcoin network's fees have been less than 1 BTC per block. In a more optimistic scenario, most BTC will be held by ETF issuers, who may choose to subsidize mining and continue to earn fees through asset management business models, but this is obviously not the result expected by the cypherpunk spirit. In addition, the view that fee income will incentivize mining seems to conflict with the mainstream idea of "buy & hold". If everyone just holds, where does the fee come from?


The second is the question of Bitcoin potentially disrupting itself to become a settlement layer and data availability (DA) layer. The most plausible answer I have heard to the problem of Bitcoin’s fee source is that Bitcoin can become a settlement layer and data availability layer for L2 (payer side). This is theoretically possible and very similar to the path Ethereum is taking, but there are two significant differences.

The core security model of the Ethereum network does not rely on the fees generated by settlement and DA, thanks to Ethereum's issuance mechanism. I even mentioned above that I don't think DA fees are a key component of ETH's value. For Bitcoin, the continued generation of fees will be a necessary condition for survival, which seems to form a strange cycle: "L1's security depends on L2's fees, and L2 depends on L1's security."

Bitcoin has neither a scaling roadmap nor a standard approach to upgrading the network. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. While stability and predictability are core features of the Bitcoin system, they may also hinder Bitcoin's ability to transform into a settlement layer and DA layer. This seems to be a classic innovator's dilemma, as the system may be too large and successful to make large-scale improvements, such as adding OP_CAT and increasing the block size, which are necessary to provide L2 with the necessary resources to achieve meaningful scaling.

I am happy to be proven wrong on these points, as my knowledge of the Bitcoin ecosystem is relatively limited and the above points are based on my current understanding.

There is a lot more to discuss about Bitcoin, but I will stop here. BTC is viewed as digital gold for good reason — a very valuable but relatively static asset. I believe ETH will have a more dynamic future as a censorship-resistant, programmable store of value that supports a larger digital economy by providing permissionless settlement, DA, and execution.


Ethereum is firmly committed to decentralization, with the goal of creating the most secure and censorship-resistant infrastructure for the on-chain economy. The development blueprint centered on Rollups aims to expand the economic activities of the platform without sacrificing the key features of the settlement layer. As a DA layer, Ethereum can provide a low-cost and highly trustless solution for Rollups, allowing them to attract more users by reducing decentralization to a certain extent without sacrificing the sovereignty of user assets.

I agree with Myles Oneil that regardless of how the specific mechanisms for value capture change, the value of ETH will grow as economic activity within the ecosystem increases - so it is too early to discuss optimizing value capture. Finally, while I believe that maintaining settlement properties and expanding data availability are the most important features in the roadmap, I also agree that the expansion of the L1 execution layer should be promoted in parallel, which needs to be built on technology and innovation in the entire field.

Fundamentally, I believe that the value of ETH comes primarily from its ability to serve as a global, permissionless store of value, and the value accumulation story we are discussing, while closely related to the expansion of the ecosystem, long-term user and developer growth should take precedence over theTokenShort-term focus on mechanisms. The development blueprint centered on Rollups makes a lot of sense: first settlement, then DA, and finally L1 execution - proceed in this order.

The article comes from the Internet:Amid the uproar, let’s re-examine Ethereum’s positioning and roadmap

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