Bitget 研究院:美比特币 ETF 七天净流出 10.15 亿美元,避险情绪持续加重建议观望
Written by: Bitget Research Institute
目前比特币价格为 56,300 美元,较上个月下跌 5%,比特币现货 ETF 七天净流出 10.15 亿美元。其中:
The sectors with strong wealth-creating effects are:AI 板块、SOL Meme 币;
User Hot SearchToken&话题为 :Aleo、Yuga Labs ;
数据统计时间:2024 年 9 月 6 日 4:00(UTC+0)
1. Market environment
目前比特币价格为 56,300 美元,较上个月下跌 5%,较六个月前创下的 73,500 美元的历史高点下跌逾 23%。根据 Farside Investors 的数据,比特币现货 ETF 七天净流出 10.15 亿美元,即将到来的宽松周期迄今为止并未激发任何推动价格上涨的热情。过去几周,每次降息信号都只是暂时打破了比特币的下跌趋势。市场整体较为沉寂。
迄今为止,制造业 PMI、美联储褐皮书和 ADP 8 月就业报Xiaobai Navigation告均显示经济较为疲软,这增强了美联储可能采取更大胆的宽松政策的可能性。根据 CME FedWatch 的数据,降息 50 个基点的可能性为 44%,而一周前为 34%。随着降息幅度更大的预期来临,有望提振比特币市场。
2. Wealth-making sector
1)后续需要重点关注板块:AI Plate
main reason:
OpenAI 日本子公司 CEO 长崎忠雄(TadaoNagasaki)透露,OpenAI 代号为「GPT-Next」的新一代模型性能预计将比现有的 GPT-4 模型强大 100 倍,并计划在今年晚些时候发布。
由 OpenAI 前首席科学家创立的新 AI 公司 SSI 完成 10 亿美元融资,a16z 等参投,ai 市场融资热情依然高涨。
Factors affecting the market outlook:
Nvidia's subsequent trend: Nvidia is a bellwether of the AI track, affecting the market's overall valuation of the AI track. If Nvidia continues to rebound in the U.S. stock market tomorrow, the AI sector of the crypto market is expected to continue to rebound;
Impact of news: Pay attention to the product updates and partnerships recently promoted by the project party. If an AMA is held, you can consider deploying related assets in advance, because there is a high probability that good news will be released in the near future using the improved liquidity environment.
2) The sectors that need to be focused on in the future: SOL Meme Coin (WIF, BONK, POPCAT)
main reason:
Solana 基金会宣布启动「Radar 雷达」黑客松大赛,并已在 Colosseum 平台开放报名;
Binance 计划在 9 月底之前推出一种 Solana (SOL) 质押产品,同时 Bitget 也即将推出流动性质押Token;
Specific currency list:
WIF: Solana 生态的 Meme 币,之前上线了 Robinhood。SOL 代币上涨,一般 Solana 头部的 MEME 币上涨更加迅速;
BONK, POPCAT: The core meme coins on Solana. The transaction volume has increased recently. The transaction demand is relatively high, and there is room for token layout.
3. User Hot Searches
1) Popular Dapps
可编程隐私网络 Aleo 公布激励计划空投对象和申领代币流程,并将于主网启动后向符合条件的参与者开放申领奖励代币。Aleo 是一个开发者平台,用于构建完全隐私、可扩展且具有成本效益的应用程序。使用零知识密码学,Aleo 将智能contract执行移至链下,以实现各种去中心化应用程序,这些应用程序既完全隐私又可以扩展到每秒数千笔交易。
2) Twitter
Yuga Labs:
Yuga Labs 和 BAYC 联合创始人、最近接任 Yuga Labs 首席执行官的 Greg Solano 表示,该公司正在通过一套名为 BluePrint 的新计划重新规划其路线图。
以 Bored Ape Yacht Club 为主题的项目将推出消费级应用程序,以吸引新用户并激发即将推出的 ApeChain 网络上的Community建设,Yuga Labs 的一名员工证实该网络「将很快推出」。
3) Google Search & Region
From a global perspective:
Solana 生态 DEX 聚合器 Jupiter 宣布现货交易已集成代币发行平台 Moonshot,用户现已可使用包括限价单、DCA 和价值平均线在内的全套现货交易工具。Jupiter 联合创始人 Meow 在 X 平台发文表示,加密是一场极其艰难的游戏.
From the hot searches in each region:
(1)欧美、英文区有一定的 meme 搜索热度:在加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰和波兰的热词关注比较分散,对 Blum、Yescoin 等有一定关注,在英国的热搜词汇中出现了 hamster kombat;
(2)亚洲、拉美等地区无明显热点,热搜词分散,少数国家提及了 TON meme 生态游戏,以及 Jupiter,Solana 等。
Potential Airdrop Opportunities
Zircuit is a parallel and AI-integrated Layer2 public chain project based on zkRollup. It is invested by Pantera and Dragonfly. The current TVL of the project has exceeded 1.1 billion US dollars. Zircuit's current ecosystem is gradually improving, and it already includes functions such as staking, cross-chain bridges, and browsers. Users can also participate in the construction of the ecosystem andCommunityInteract to obtain airdrop qualifications.
Specific ways to participate: 1) Enter the staking page ( to participate in staking to win points; 2) Participate in node deployment to win points (
Symbiotic is a general purpose restaking project that enables decentralized networks to bootstrap powerful, fully sovereign ecosystems. It provides a method for decentralized applications, called Active Validation Services or “AVS”, to collectively ensure each other’sSafety.
Symbiotic recently completed its seed round of financing, with Paradigm and Cyber Fund participating in the investment, with a financing amount of US$5.8 million.
Specific participation method: Enter the project's official website, linkwallet, deposit ETH and ETH LSD assets.
The article comes from the Internet:Bitget 研究院:美比特币 ETF 七天净流出 10.15 亿美元,避险情绪持续加重建议观望
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