Comparison of 4 new decentralized AI projects: Sentiment, Ritual, Vana & Sahara

Among the many decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI) solutions, the four projects mentioned in this article stand out.


Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworld

PromoteAI Four projects adopted:

Don't forgetStoryProtocol, which is the backbone of it all. Let's take a look.

4 大新晋去中心化 AI 项目比较:Sentiment,Ritual,Vana & Sahara

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, affecting our lives from morning till night.

However, economic benefits are still concentrated in the hands of a few technology giants, while the real contributors - users, developers and creators - have not received due compensation and recognition.

The current AI field is dominated by closed systems that stifle innovation and hoard gains.

Smaller innovators out-perform larger companies without fair compensation, perpetuating an unfair system that limits access and stifles creativity.

Artificial intelligence faces an important challenge: how to fairly distribute the benefits as it develops.

Decentralized approaches are urgently needed to ensure high-quality data, reward contributors, and ensure that the AI economy benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.

Among the many decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI) solutions, these four projects stand out and are ready to take crypto AI to beyond OpenAI Level:


By creating aSafetyAn ethical platform that addresses challenges in AI development and makes models Open, Monetizable, and Fidelity (OML).

This enables developers to share their AI innovations while retaining control and receiving fair compensation.

At its core, Sentient is cryptography native to AI, using techniques such as model fingerprinting to authenticate and protect AI models.

This ensures that contributors’ work is used ethically and accurately tracked within the ecosystem.

Sentient willCommunityCollaboration is baked into the growth of AI, allowing developers to contribute, control, and monetize their AI models.

By aligning incentives and ensuring transparency, Sentient creates a balanced AI economy that benefits all participants.


Launched a new AI model that enables everyone—from data contributors to model builders—toSafetyto create, own and benefit from their AI work.

This is a fair system designed to benefit everyone, not just big tech companies.

Our platform utilizesBlockchainTechnology to ensure AI contributions are tracked, rewarded, and protected.

With Sahara AI, contributors gain control over their data and models and receive fair compensation.

隐私和安全是 Sahara AI 的核心理念。

We use advanced encryption technology and decentralized identity systems to protect user data and ensure that AI assets are created and shared in a secure and trusted environment.

Sahara AI’s collaborative AI economy enables diverseCommunityXiaobai NavigationAbility to actively participate in the development of artificial intelligence.

By aligning incentives and ensuring fair compensation, it promotes innovation and fairness across the AI ecosystem.


Empower users through decentralized data DAO The ability to control and monetize personal data, giving them a stake in the AI models trained on their data, shifts power from big tech companies to individuals.

Through Vana's data flow network, users can securelyTokendigitization and transactions while maintaining privacy.

The platform ensures data is used only for approved purposes, turning data into a valuable, user-controlled asset.

Vana’s approach democratizes AI by allowing collective ownership and governance, ensuring that contributors become active participants in the AI economy, rather than just passive providers.

Projects in the Vana ecosystem:

  • finquarium: ABlockchainA decentralized marketplace for financial predictions.

  • GPTDAO:A decentralized network that web3 The protocol implements user-owned data.

  • rdatadao: The first data DAO, focusing on Reddit data.

  • volaraxyz: A data marketplace that provides users with ownership and revenue from their X-data.

From me about rdatadao ofThe latest tweetstart:Why can’t encryption technology give data ownership?

4 大新晋去中心化 AI 项目比较:Sentiment,Ritual,Vana & Sahara

Combining artificial intelligence andBlockchain,提供一个主权平台,使人工智能模型能够在节点网络中部署,确保隐私和计算完整性,同时在任何Blockchain上启用原生人工智能操作。

Through its oracle network “Infernet”, Ritual willcontractConnecting with off-chain AI models enables decentralized applications to seamlessly integrate advanced AI capabilities and enhance on-chain workflows.

Ritual’s ultimate goal is to serve as an AI co-processor for the blockchain ecosystem, enabling protocols and applications to harness the power of AI securely and efficiently without the need for centralized control.

So, like StoryProtocol Why is this solution important for AI andintellectual property(IP) is crucial?

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, the lack of proper intellectual property ownership and monetization mechanisms is a serious impediment to innovation.

Story Protocol provides an important solution that enables creators to protect and monetize their work while ensuring their contributions are recognized on a decentralized AI platform.

In an environment where AI remixes are both inevitable and often illegal, Story Protocol provides a necessary layer of intellectual property protection by allowing creators to set clear rules for their work.

This ensures that their intellectual property remains protected and monetized at the intersection of AI and cryptography.

By combining Story Protocol with a decentralized AI network, creators can securely license and control the use of their intellectual property, turning static assets into programmable, revenue-generating intellectual property. This provides the necessary protection and fairness for the future of AI.

I can't wait to see kbwofficial This is going to be an epicEvents.

4 大新晋去中心化 AI 项目比较:Sentiment,Ritual,Vana & Sahara

The article comes from the Internet:Comparison of 4 new decentralized AI projects: Sentiment, Ritual, Vana & Sahara

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