Huobi HTX updates July security report, issues more than 290,000 user security reminders

In July, Huobi HTX sent a total ofSafetyMore than 290,000 reminders, the same as in June.SafetyOn the one hand, Huobi HTX intercepted 4 withdrawals to fraudulent addresses, recovering losses of 103,190U, an increase of 656.0% from June.

As one of the earliest trading platforms in the industry to implement proof of reserve, Huobi HTX has always insisted onSafetyPut it first, "Do not touch user assets, stick toSafetyThe "bottom line" was placed at the top of the industry initiative, and 100% was promised to be paid.

At present, Huobi HTX has normalized the publication of monthly security reports, displaying security data on account security, transaction security, asset security, etc., so that users canXiaobai NavigationUsers see the actions and strong strength that Huobi HTX has taken in terms of security.

Huobi HTX 2024May Safety Monthly Report,June Safety Monthly ReportThe following is the July 2024 security monthly report of Huobi HTX. You can view the specific security-related data:

In July, Huobi HTX sent more than 290,000 user security reminders, the same as in June. In terms of transaction security, Huobi HTX intercepted 4 withdrawals to fraudulent addresses, recovering losses of 103,190U, an increase of 656.0% from June. In addition, Huobi HTX intercepted 35 deposits from black addresses, with an amount of 646,923U, an increase of 542.7% from June.

In the future, Huobi HTX will continue to update the monthly security report every month, using accurate and effective data and strict financial standards to carefully protect the security of user assets.

The article comes from the Internet:Huobi HTX updates July security report, issues more than 290,000 user security reminders

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