SolvBTC: The first BTC that allows self-generated income, the activity of staking to earn points has begun

SolvBTC is the first-ever yield-bearing BTC that generates yield while maintaining spot exposure.


Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworld

从 BRC-20 和 Ordinals 开始,我一直看好比特币在增加实用性方面的最新进展,而不仅仅是作为一种价值储存手段。 对我来说,考虑到资产类别的规模以及目前链上 DeFi / NFT 领域的新生程度,继续推动 BTC 发展的前沿是有意义的。 Solv Protocol符合我在该领域的整体看涨叙事,他们最近推出了 SolvBTC:成为有史以来第一个产生收益的 BTC。

详解 SolvBTC:  第一个允许自带收益的 BTC,质押获取积分活动已开始

Key Summary:

  • Most Bitcoins remain idle because holders have limited reasons to transfer and utilize the value of their Bitcoins.

  • SolvBTC is the first-ever yield-bearing BTC that generates yield while maintaining spot exposure.

  • 收益通过 3 种策略产生:做市、delta 中性资金利率和跨exchangearbitrage

  • SolvBTC will be integrated across various chains and dApps, and the Solv protocol will act as a unified liquidity gateway.

Revenue Generating Strategies

SolvBTC 将通过 3 种策略产生收益:




通过相等的多头和空头期货来产生利润Xiaobai Navigation并收取资金费率。


I personally really like to try out various strategies to ensure risk diversification and the best return for users.

An advisory board (composed of internal members and key external partners) will also serve as a check and balance, provide guidance, and ensure the strategy is transparent and credible.

详解 SolvBTC:  第一个允许自带收益的 BTC,质押获取积分活动已开始

Next step

Market launch and expansion of the BTCFi ecosystem

SolvBTC 已在 Arbitrum and Merlin Chain上上线,目前 TVL 超过 1000 多个 BTC(超过 6500 万美元),其其他策略的 TVL 超过 1.4 亿美元。

SolvBTC’s other vaults have generated over $7 million in yields so far, and I’m excited to see where this will lead for SolvBTC. In addition, given that SolvBTC shares the same properties as ERC20, this allows it to be integrated into various dApps and chains, increasing liquidity and acting as a multi-chain BTCFi Lego block.

Points system

Solv团队宣布积分系统将于 4 月 5 日启动,可能会奖励 SolvBTC 的早期采用者(提示:Token尚未上线)

详解 SolvBTC:  第一个允许自带收益的 BTC,质押获取积分活动已开始


团队已从Binance Labs,Laser Digital等投资者处筹集了大量的资金,前后进行了4轮融资,筹集资金总额高达1100万美元,其中包含未透露金额的Binance Labs战略轮投资。

start using

对于那些感兴趣的人,不妨点击这里,开始赚取BTC 收益。

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The article comes from the Internet:SolvBTC: The first BTC that allows self-generated income, the activity of staking to earn points has begun

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