Teach you step by step how to create your own Rollup in 2 minutes

This article will show you how easy it is to create a Rollup using RaaS.

Written by A Fox

Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworld


  • Rollup as a Service (RaaS) is a new business model that allows anyone to create and deploy their ownL2 Rollup.

  • Conduit is a very easy to use RaaS provider. Below you will see how quickly and easily you can run the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with just a few clicks.L2 Rollup.

  • When your Rollup is active, you can bridge ETH into it and deploy smartcontractAnd dapp, for example, I created a dapp called DOGTokenand transfer it.

  • Conduit also sets up a block explorer for you so you can easily visualize everything on-chain.


由于以太坊主网变得过于缓慢和昂贵,因此我们看到了以太坊L2的增长,其中大部分是我之前讨论过的 Rollup。

To create your own Rollup, you need a relatively deep understanding ofBlockchain, but the recent growth of “Rollup as a service” (RaaS) providers means you can deploy an L2 Rollup in minutes without writing a line of code!

In this article, I will explore a little bit about how RaaS works by looking at Conduit.

Rollups and RaaS

As Ethereum seeks to scale to process more transactions per second, Layer 2 (L2) solutions continue to grow.We have looked at EVM L2 in past articles.

Rollup is the most popular type of L2 on Ethereum today. As a quick reminder, Rollup is a separateBlockchain, execute the transaction and then publish the Rollup version back to the main chain.

There are already dozens or even hundreds of examples of L2 Rollups, as shown in the figure below.

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However, despite the emergence of chains such as Optimism and Arbitrum, which have created their own toolkits to create L2 faster, creating your own L2 is still not a trivial task and requires a certain amount of technical knowledge. In addition, you need to run a node to support L2, which can also become complicated.

This challenge has given rise to a new type of business that provides "Rollup as a Service" (RaaS). Through RaaS, anyone can create and deploy their own Rollup in minutes by just pressing a few buttons, and then start bridging ETH and running smart contracts on their own L2.contractAnd dapps!

Below I will show you how easy it is to create a Rollup using RaaS.


There are already many competitors in the RaaS space, including Astria,Caldera,AltLayer, Conduit wait.

For this article, I chose to use Conduit, which I found to be very quick and easy to get started with.

According to them, Conduit allows you to: “Deploy a Rollup in minutes, not months.” Providing “fully managed, production-grade, customizable Rollups for Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, Mode, and Zora.”

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Their landing page shows very clearly how quick and easy it is to create a Rollup using Conduit.

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Let’s understand it in the following steps.

Creating a Rollup

First, selectdeploybutton, you will be asked to create an account and organization, and then immediately taken to the setup page to deploy your first Rollup.

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Creating a mainnet Rollup using Conduit will cost $3,000 per month. Whether or not you need a mainnet Rollup, you can still use a testnet Rollup to get started for only $50 per month.

Conduit allows you to use either the OP stack from Optimism or the Orbit stack from Arbitrum. If you choose Orbit, you will notice that the subsequent options will change accordingly.

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The settlement layer is to ensure the finality andSafetyThe data availability layer is the maintainer of the information needed to rebuild the Rollup at any given moment.

Both are important, but as a simplified solutionXiaobai Navigation, settlement should really be done on a more decentralized platform like EthereumBlockchainOn the top, with the highest financialSafety性,而数据可用性可以在像 Celestia 这样的更集中的区块链上,该区块链支持以更低成本存储更多数据。

In my testnet example, I stuck with the OP stack, using Ethereum as the settlement layer and Celestia as the DA. However, Conduit allows you to mix and match these to find the best fit for your specific use case.

As you proceed you will be asked to pay a monthly fee of $50.

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Once the payment is made, you’re done! In just a few minutes, you have configured your first L2 Rollup.

You now just need to wait 15-20 minutes while Conduit sets everything up, and once it’s finished the deployment will look like this:

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The name of your organization and Rollup can be edited. You can now start using your new L2 Rollup!

Getting Started with Your Rollup

After selecting your Rollup on the deployment page, the Rollup information will be displayed as follows:

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The Rollup configuration settings are shown on the right, and the output in the black terminal box indicates that L2 is running. You don't need to really understand what the output means at this point, all you need to see is that it keeps updating.

You need to select Add towalletAdd the network to your Metamask or equivalentwalletmiddle.

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You should then click on "Create Bridge" in the Bridging section, which will open a bridging software called SuperBridge.

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Since we are on a testnet, you will be able to bridge Sepolia ETH to your new Rollup. If you don’t have any Sepolia ETH, you can get it fromThis tap gets.

I bridged more than 1 ETH a few times and ended up with 2 testnet ETH on my new L2 Rollup, which I can see in my MetamaskwalletYou can see it on!

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Now that you have bridged your testnet ETH to your new Rollup, you can start using it!

Further use of your Rollup

Now that you have your own L2 Rollup, you can deploy your code directly to it.

First open Remix IDE, I have already created a new file in my project called "Writing your first smart contractHow to use it is explained in the tutorial "

Then copy the following code into a new file in Remix.

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Update the environment to "Injected Provider" and set your Metamask to the new Rollup. Next to the orange deploy button give yourTokenName and symbol, in this case I wrote "Dog, DOG", then click Deploy.

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You will need to sign this transaction in Metamask, and when the transaction is processed, you will have just created a new token on your new L2 Rollup, cool!

If I open Metamask, I can add the token to my wallet by copying the contract address created in Remix.

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After doing this, I can see that my new Dog token has a balance of 100000 DOG. In Metamask, I can send 100 DOG to another address on the network.

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How amazing, not only did we just create our own Rollup, we also created our own Dog token on this new blockchain and sent it to another account on this new chain.


As you can see, you can do whatever you want on your new L2 blockchain, such as creating your own tokens, smart contracts, and dapps.

You can have anything from a simple token to a complex AMM like Sushiswap running on your Rollup as we see it running on several chains.

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For this kind of integration with different projects, Conduit has aIntegration Page, helping you deploy these applications to your new Rollup.

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When you select “Get” on any dapp on this page, a type form will pop up where you can explain why you want to integrate this dapp with your Rollup.

Having such a simple interface to communicate with one of the dozens of most popular dapps is a very helpful thing for launching a brand new Rollup.

When you are happy with everything you tested, you can migrate your Rollup to mainnet. However, the upgrade costs $3,000 per month, and you will need to schedule a demo with Conduit for it to work.

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Confirm what we have done in Explorer

After trying out my new testnet Rollup, I was able to set up the same for you by jumping into ConduitBlock ExplorerTo confirm what happened.

For example, I can go back to my browser and look at my address to see the transaction that was completed and the tokens I own.

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By selecting the Blockchain tab on the left and clicking onDeposits (L1->L2)” I can get more blockchain-specific information, in this case you can see the Sepolia ETH I bridged.

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After selecting the token, I can also see my new DOG token deployed.

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We can dig deeper into this token and see that there are two holders because I sent 100 DOG to another account on the network.

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I believe it’s clear that I’ve only scratched the surface of what you can achieve with your own new Rollup. In future posts I may dive deeper into different use cases.

What’s most fascinating is that because it has become trivial to create Rollups using RaaS, L2 will likely become commonplace, with hundreds or thousands of them existing.

So, the real question will be how to differentiate your L2 Rollup from other Rollups?

The article comes from the Internet:Teach you step by step how to create your own Rollup in 2 minutes

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