Analysis of Ankr: Bitcoin’s LIDO, undervalued liquidity staking potential

Ankr provides the most reliable RPC and has over 6 years of experience in the industry, making it a leader in the RaaS space.

Written by Louround

Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworld

Although the market is developing at a very fast pace, some projects have remained consistent with the market stage for many years. This requires the project to have strong business development capabilities, innovation capabilities and revenue sources.

With the recent launch of Bitcoin ETFs and massive inflows of funds, with institutions purchasing over 2% of BTC supply, it is clear that the Bitcoin ecosystem is becoming one of the hottest topics in the market.

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

The Bitcoin ecosystem is constantly expanding.Participants are looking to generate additional income on top of their holdingsmethod.

This isBabylonHopefully by becoming what EigenLayer did for Bitcoin.

$BTC is staked and validates the proof-of-stake chain to earn additional income. Here are some of the chains that Babylon has secured, providing a way for idle $BTC to earn income on top of their holdings.

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

Similar to EigenLayer, once you stake your $BTC, your funds will be locked and unavailable for a short period of time.

This is Ankr The place to enter this space and become the main BTC liquidity staking project, providing liquidity to holders while still receiving staking returns.

You may already know about Lido, but did you know that Ankr (current TVL is $100M) was the first protocol to launch ETH liquidity staking in December 2020?

They provide the most reliable RPC and have over 6 years of experience in the industry, making them a leader in the RaaS space.

Well, this is just the beginning, although their FDVXiaobai Navigation It’s only 1/10 of AltLayer, but Ankr aims for more than just a RaaS narrative.

Ankr announced an exclusive partnership with Babylon in their latest tweet.

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

Ankr will provide BTC LST (liquidity staking) for chains protected by BabylonToken), and then issue it on the chain, which willSafetyProvides additional fluidity.

Before long, it will be the leader in its field. To really understand this event, let's make some assumptions.

Babylon is the EigenLayer of Bitcoin, with a current TVL of $6.4 billion.

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

This is a minuscule fraction of the Bitcoin market cap, which means more idle capital will take advantage of the opportunity to stake in Babylon and generate yield.

As mentioned earlier, Ankr is the first $BTC LST on the market, similar toKelp DAO,,Puffer Finance Used for $ETH.

You may have seenether.fiRecently launched theirToken, the current FDV is US$4.2 billion.

Lido's FDV is $3.2 billion.

Guess what Ankr’s current FDV is? Only $419 million.

Yes, Bitcoin’s Lido is traded at 1/8th of Lido and 1/10th of Etherfi.

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

Imagine if, in addition to this, they also led the RaaS narrative, but only with AltLayer and Dymension 1/10 of the market value is traded.

Ankr还利用 DePIN 的叙事,因为他们通过网络提供去中心化的计算能力和数据可用性。此外,这进一步增加了 $ANKR 代币的用例和分发。

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

If we look at the details, Ankr was present at the Nvidia conference and recently launched a AI There was a lot of communication.

Why does the Rollup As A Service project focus so much on artificial intelligence?

解析 Ankr:做比特币的 LIDO,被低估的流动性质押潜力

I'll let your imagination do the work, but you currently have one of the most asymmetric bets on the market:

  • 6 years of experience

  • The First ETH LST

  • BTC Lido

  • RaaS Leaders

  • DePIN Narrative

  • AI

To sum up, I think Ankr is a project and token worth paying attention to.

The article comes from the Internet:Analysis of Ankr: Bitcoin’s LIDO, undervalued liquidity staking potential

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