30 reasons to love Vitalik Buterin

He wasn't in it for the money.

Written by Daniel Kuhn, CoinDesk

Compiled by: Deng Tong, Golden Finance

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder and soul leader of Ethereum, celebrates his 30th birthday. It was the day he called "the end of my childhood." Buterin has accomplished a lot in his life and still has much more to accomplish. The job of following Satoshi Nakamoto, the unsung fictional hero, is not easy, but Buterin has been up to the task by avoiding all personal selfishness. In honor of his many achievements, here are 30 reasons to love Buterin. Of course, these reasons are not complete.

1. Buterin puts it bluntly: In 2017, for the first timeTokenAt the height of the initial coin offering (ICO) boom, when the total market capitalization of the entire crypto market exceeded $500 billion, Buterin tweeted and asked: "Have we made any money?" It was a fair question, considering that many at the time (but Not all) of the largest ICO projects have delivered anything.

2. He had the right intentions: Buterin’s mission in creating Ethereum was to build a “global computer” that could run any application imaginable. But throughout his career, he has kept the spotlight on projects that address real-world problems.

3. He loves it back: Buterin learned about Bitcoin from his father when he was 17. Now, his parents, Dmitry Buterine and Natalia Ameline, both work in the crypto industry. Ameline is helping build Ethereum layer 2 Metis.

4. Buterin is a leading Bitcoin enthusiast: In 2011, around the time he was first introduced to Bitcoin, Buterin began writing about the emerging technology for the defunct publication Bitcoin Weekly in order to Learn as much as you can about Bitcoin. At the end of that year, Buterin co-founded Bitcoin Magazine and became one of its most prolific contributors, covering and conceptualizing some of the Bitcoin ideas that are still discussed today, such as the introduction of native intelligencecontractand extending the chain through secondary layers.

5. He is as humble as Pi: He has been named to the Forbes Under 30 list, the Fortune Under 40 list, received an honorary doctorate, and has been the subject of many magazine features. However, no one can credibly say that Buterin is in the business for money or fame. try

6. Buterin contributed to the field of economics: Along with Glen Weyl and Zoe Hitzig, Buterin helped develop a mechanism for equitably allocating funds without the need for a central decision-maker, known as Vote for the second time. Today, this system is widely used in the crypto space, especially in the decentralized application Gitcoin, which provides financial support for public goods.

7. He’s generous with his time and money: Buterin has made numerous charitable donations in recent years, including in support of artificial intelligenceSafetycareer, human lifespan research, and other more practical concerns.

8. Even when he’s being naughty, he’s doing good: During the first Dogecoin craze in 2021, the Shiba InuToken Shiba Inu's team proactively sent approximately 5% of the circulating supply of SHIB to Buterin, apparently to promote the project. Buterin decided to transfer these assets, which were valued at more than $1 billion at the time, toTokenDonate to India’s Crypto Anti-epidemic Fund.

9. He speaks out for causes he believes in: Despite being born in Russia, Buterin spoke out against his home country’s aggression against Ukraine, even tweeting this classic line on the first day of the invasion: “Ethereum is neutral, but I am not."

10. He loves simple things: Buterin’s current profile on Twitter/X, “mi pinxe lo crino tcati,” apparently translates to the rules-based Lojban language built as “Xiaobai NavigationI drink green tea." He's also known for mixing green tea with red wine (we can't all be perfect, after all).

11. Impeccable fashion sense: Whether it's a unicorn T-shirt, a furry suit or glasses straight out of The Matrix, Buterin definitely knows how to pull off a unique look.

12. He’s good at amusing himself: Vitalik once performed the “badger dance” at the opening ceremony of Edcon 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

13. He has a unique voice: A cross between The Simpsons' Professor and The Frog Prince's Kermit, Vitalik's unique tonal delivery is a part of history.

14. Vitalik allows his thoughts to evolve and is not afraid to challenge himself in the future: Here is a collection of tweets that show Vitalik rethinking many of the opinions he has expressed in the past. And this isn't the first time, nor will it be the last.

15. He’s not afraid to criticize his idols: Vitalik is one of many crypto leaders who cite James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg’s The Autonomous Individual as one of their favorite books. In 2020, he breaks down the book's core concepts and how they apply to today's digital world, nearly 30 years after the book was published, discussing what they say right and wrong.

16. He’s an advocate for accessibility: Not only is Ethereum designed to be open and available to anyone with an internet connection, Vitalik is constantly thinking of ways to lower fees, increase access, and subsidize usage, including a number of othersBlockchainControversial tactics that advocates may abandon.

17. He knows how to throw a good party: Just ask anyone who attended Zuzalu in Montenegro, a weeklong learning event for people interested in cryptography and longevity research.

18. He teaches by word and deed: Vitalik frequently uses decentralized applications, from social media apps like Farcaster to donation protocols like Gitcoin, and he might just be the ideal Ethereum user.

19. He considers rival chains to be zero-plus rather than zero-sum: at Solana at FTX and withBlockchainAfter the ecosystem's tight-knit Sam Bankman-Fried collapse, Vitalik tweeted: "Smart people tell me Solana has a genuinely smart developer.Community, now that those terrible opportunists have been eliminated, this chain has a bright future. It's hard for me to see from the outside, but I hopeCommunityOpportunities to thrive. ” Not to overemphasize it, but this tweet went a long way in cementing confidence in competing projects. He doesn't kick people when they're down, but lends a helping hand.

20. Although he is a technological optimist, he thinks pragmatically: as he previously blogged about AI and the discussion of cryptographic interaction methods as an example. Buterin places great emphasis on the areas where he thinks it is easiest to do, which is to let AI Agents work on-chain, where "the underlying mechanisms continue to be designed in much the same way." (For details, click "Vitalik: What do I think about encryption and AI Cross-cutting fields and their prospects and challenges")

21. He knows how to coin new words: starting with the recent proposal Defensive/Decentralized/Differential Acceleration (d/acc, a play on the hyper-aggressive, pro-technological and pro-capitalist e/acc), which proposes that humanity’s response to technology take a prudent approach to progress, toBlockchain"Three Problems", Vitalik coined many words that have become mantras.

22. He’s a bit of an anarchist (in a positive way): In addition to creating Ethereum, Vitalik has contributed to a number of more radical projects, including Cody Wilson’s supposedly uncensorable DarkWallet .

23. He paid tribute: The term "Ethereum" is generally thought to come from Ethernet, or the physical backbone of the Internet. (Although some say it also comes from "ether," what in medieval times was called the fifth element, which Buterin came across while reading Wikipedia.)

24. If he doesn’t have time to implement it, he will share his idea: Take Uniswap as an example, it is the largest decentralizationexchange.

25. He’s a great developer: This one seems self-evident, but if you need an example, look no further than The Merge, a moment often described as “changing an airplane engine on the fly.”

26. He embodies the best of Ethereum’s “social layer”: in the infamous DAO Following the attack, Vitalik initially advocated for a soft fork of Ethereum so as not to rewrite the chain's history. Over time, partly due to technical challenges, the community opted for a "hard fork," resulting in two versions of the chain, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. This moment is very crucial in crypto history because it shows that code is not always the law and people have the right to have an opinion on how a project develops.

27. He’s not in it for the money: In a recent blog post, Vitalik lamented the fact that the crypto industry is too money-focused. He hopes to make "Ethereum a cypherpunk again."

28. He has a sense of humor: I’m not sure if he coined the terms Merge, Verge, Surge, Purge, and Splurge to describe future stages of Ethereum’s development, but he certainly played a role in them.

29. He seeks revenge (when justified): There is ample evidence that the trigger for the creation of Ethereum was after Vitalik’s warlock role in World of Warcraft was “nerfed.” After game developer Blizzard demoted his favorite life-siphoning spell, Vitalik started thinking about how to give people control over their digital lives. He is also tracking the movements of Craig Wright.

30. Vitalik is the leader the crypto space needs: after the departure of Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto, someone must maintain the ideals of decentralization, censorship resistance, and trustworthy neutrality. Vitalik faces the difficult task of maintaining an image in the spotlight while building a technology that is at odds with many of today's most powerful institutions. As he wrote in his recent manifesto, he does this because he believes it is the right thing to do, and that the goals of open source and open access technology will ultimately benefit the world: “I believe these [technologies] are very benevolent, Because I believe humans are very kind." Part of the reason encryption is good is because Vitalik is good.

The article comes from the Internet:30 reasons to love Vitalik Buterin

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